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'Sketches of fossil Alcyonia...', 1816

 Fossil sponge watermarked
 Fossil sponge watermarked

Two drawings of fossil sponges, taken from: 'Sketches of fossil Alcyonia from the Green Sand Formation at Warminster Common and the immediate vicinity of Warminster in Wiltshire', by Etheldred Benett, 1816.
Benett produced a number of copies of this volume, containing hand drawn illustrations of fossil Alcyonia [sponges] made by her from her own collection. The Society holds two copies, one which was sent to us, the other to George Bellas Greenough. This version belonged to Greenough. Another copy was given to her friend Gideon Mantell.

Two drawings of fossil sponges, taken from: 'Sketches of fossil Alcyonia from the Green Sand Formation at Warminster Common and the immediate vicinity of Warminster in Wiltshire', by Etheldred Benett, 1816.  (LDGSL/983)
Benett produced two copies of this volume, both of which contained hand drawn illustrations of fossil Alcyonia [sponges] made by her from her own collection.  One copy was sent to the Society, the other to George Bellas Greenough. 

This version belonged to Greenough.