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Watercolour of a meteorite, [1825]

 Meteor County Limerick watermark

Watercolour of a meteorite that fell in County Limerick in September 1813 by Etheldred Benett, [1825].
Benett also drew material outside of her collection, which she had seen on her various trips around the South West of England, including this meteorite in the University of Oxford.  

Benett’s caption reads: “Sketch of a Meteoric Stone which fell on the estate of the late Reverend Mr Blakeney near Patricks Well in the County of Limerick in September 1813, and which was presented to the University of Oxford by the Reverend John Griffiths of Bishopstrow, Wiltshire in May 1825 - weight 19 pounds. The streaked and dotted part is the fracture.”