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‘Squalo-raja (Spinacorhinus) polyspondila Agassiz’, [1834-1836]

 Squalo raja wmk

‘Squalo-raja (Spinacorhinus) polyspondila Agassiz’, watercolour by J Charles Weber [1834-1836].
(LDGSL/613, Vol 3, sheet 99)

The specimen was found by Anning at the end of December 1829 and in October 1834, by which time it had made its way to the Bristol Institution, it was brought to the attention of the Swiss naturalist Louis Agassiz who was immersed in the research for his work ‘Recherches sur les Poissons Fossiles’ (1833-1843). This watercolour was commissioned by Agassiz to be included in the publication. The drawing only shows the front part of the fish [the original specimen was again destroyed during World War Two] but the tail, which was found separately, survives in the Philpot collection now at Oxford University Museum of Natural History.

To learn more about the specimen, see the expanded exhibition: 'Mary Anning and the Geological Society'.