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19th Century geological map of the Bristol Channel, showing of south Wales, north Devon, Somerset and Bristol in geological colouring of browns, yellows and blues

Licence Map Images

Find out how to use map images in publications, exhibitions and at conferences

We can licence images of maps in our Picture Library for use in publications, exhibitions and for conferences.  

There is a cost of £20+VAT to supply an image plus a variable fee that changes with your requirements.

If you wish to get a quote to licence one of our map images, please contact the Map Librarian and state:

  • What image(s) you would like to licence
  • How you intend to use the image
  • If the image is for use in a book or journal, please give as much information as possible about that book or journal (title, print run/circulation, languages etc.)
  • If it is for use in an exhibition, please let us know the title of the exhibition, the location and for how long the image will be exhibited.
  • If it is for use online or in a TV production, please supply URL/title of the website it is intended for, or if in an app supply the title, purpose and anticipated availability, or if for TV supply the production title, description and anticipated distribution.