Hydrogeological Group Resources
Resources from past events organised by the Hydrogeological Group can be found below. If there is an event you would like details for, or questions about any past meeting resources that we can make available, please email us.
Communicating Groundwater - Bringing understanding to the water table (20 June 2013)
Presentations and outputs from the UK Groundwater Forum’s annual conference, co-convened with the Hydrogeological Group are available on the UK Groundwater Forum website.
Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems (27 February 2013)
Groundwater dependent ecosystems (GDEs) face multiple pressures related to public water supply, intensive agricultural land-use and land management practices, and pollution from industrial and household waste. Since the implementation of the Water Framework Directive significant effort has been put into characterising GDEs and assessing the threats to them. However, these threats may change under future environmental change.
This meeting presented current scientific research in addition to addressing issues around characterisation, conceptualisation, monitoring, modelling, and management within the context of environmental change.
- Protecting groundwater dependent wetlands from significant damage; recent experience and new threshold values
- The WFD wetland chemical test - what have we learnt from last time around?
- Determination of nutrient threshold values relevant to groundwater-dependent terrestrial ecosystems (GWDTEs) in Ireland: progress and challenges
- Integrating hydrogeology, hydrology and ecology to assess the impact of abstractions on groundwater dependent ecosystems
- Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems in Karst: An Assessment of Pant y Llyn, Wales’ only turlough and comparison to Irish sites
- Devils and Details: hydrology and conservation ecology in small, calcareous, groundwater-fed fens
- Newham Fen NNR, Northumberland – an example of GDE complexities?
- Projecting uncertain impacts of climate change on wetlands: a risk-based web tool for England and Wales
- Decadal changes in shallow groundwater regime leading to biodiversity loss in a lowland floodplain meadow
- Simulating the impact of regional groundwater changes on raised bog eco-hydrology
- Coastal dune wetlands in England and Wales: Understanding rainfed groundwater dependent ecosystems to underpin conservation management
- Mega-scale restoration of alkaline and calcareous groundwater-dependent fen communities, Cors Erddreiniog, Anglesey
- Groundwater: the hidden groundwater dependent ecosystem
- Refining conceptual and numerical models of groundwater-surface water interactions in areas of complex superficial geology: A case study from the Upper Colne Catchment, Hertfordshire
- Waun Fawr- an investigation into high nutrients in a groundwater dependent ecosystem
- Integrated groundwater & ecological assessment of abstraction impact on an urban pond & river system in south London
- An integrated hydro-ecological approach to the identification of sensitive groundwater dependent terrestrial ecosystems within wind farm Environmental Impact Assessment
- Calcareous, groundwater-fed fens in England: distribution, ecology and conservation
- Subterranean biodiversity: ecology of a Chalk aquifer
- Rusland Valley mosses restoration: hydrogeology, hydro-ecology and landscape visualisation
- Groundwater abstraction impact and long-term vegetation community survival in Greywell Fen, Hampshire
LoPro: The Value of Low Yield Aquifers (6 September 2010)
Low yield aquifers, also known as low productivity aquifers, are of great importance in large parts of the world, particularly with respect to supporting local water supply as well as providing baseflow to surface waters and wetlands.
Contaminant Source Zone Characterisation and Remediation (22 April 2009)
Platform presentations
- Secondary Source Zones: Towards an understanding of contaminant rebound
- Use of the modified Waterloo Profiler™ to provide high-resolution vertical and lateral delineation of
groundwater impact from volatile organic compounds (VOCs) - Improved approaches for performance assessment monitoring of contaminant source zones
- Beneficial hydraulic fracture propagation during in situ chemical oxidation
Poster Presentations
- An optimisation approach for groundwater monitoring network augmentation - a ‘detection’ monitoring case study
- Mixed technology remediation of a former chemical works, Manchester, UK
- Groundwater risk assessment without source term data
- Assessment and enhancement of hydrocarbon natural attenuation using biofilms
- Investigating LNAPL drop hysteresis: Implications for residualisation and source zone assessment
- Case study of iterative modelling to predict the location and size of an off site chlorinated solvent
source zone
Groundwater Asset Management (10 September 2008)
This one-day meeting provided a comprehensive and up-to-date account of current groundwater asset management practice both in the UK and overseas.
- Groundwater asset management
- Optimising groundwater resources in California and England
- Water quality constraints on Deployable Output of a Chalk groundwater source
- Carbon Accounting & Groundwater Asset Management
- Groundwater Asset Plans
- Groundwater Asset Management Shropshire Groundwater Scheme
- Groundwater Asset Maintenance
- Well Design and Sand Pumping in Consolidated and Semi-Consolidated Sandstone Aquifers
- Borehole Design: Ensuring Microbiological Security of Groundwater Abstraction
- Investigation and Management of Sediment Issues in Groundwater Abstraction
- An experimental An experimental use of hydrogen peroxide in water well rehabilitation
Hydrogeology Meets Hydroecology (22 May 2008)
A one-day groundwater conference considering the interactions between groundwater and wetland
ecosystems, particularly with regard to key processes, their conceptualisation and analysis.
- The dispersal and deposition of plant propagules in groundwater-fed rivers: linking hydrology and
ecology - Nitrogen transport and transformation at the groundwater - surface water interface
- Development of a high-resolution conceptual hydro-ecological understanding of an internationally
recognised fen wetland – Cors Bodeilio, Anglesey, Wales - A Hydrogeological Study of Hatfield Moor Special Protection Area
- A study of the hypogean fauna in England and Wales
- Hydroecological Assessment and Monitoring of Groundwater Dependant Wetlands
- The eco-hydrology of wet dune slacks: experience from Winterton Dunes, Norfolk
- Balancing Hydro-ecological Needs with Sustainable Groundwater Abstraction
- Significant Damage to Groundwaterdependent Terrestrial Ecosystems: Good Regulation or Lack
of Information? - Hydrological extremes in riverine epikarst: response of the invertebrate fauna
- Wetland Water Balance: Linking hydrogeological processes to ecological effect
- Flow accretion profiling as a method of hydrological characterisation of wetlands in permeable catchments
Landfill Hydrogeology (22 February 2008)
The meeting examined key hydrogeological issues that affect the design, operation and management of landfills. The papers covered subjects such as the impacts of new policies, practical aspects of landfill hydrogeology and recent scientific developments. It was of interest to regulators, operators, consultants and academics that work with landfills and who have to assess the risks posed by them.
- Modelling attenuation processes in the unsaturated zone beneath landfills
- Environmental Monitoring and Management - Action or Distraction?
- Fail-Safe Engineering: towards sustainable landfill
- Do more detailed Hydrogeological Risk Assessment tools support better regulation of landfill?
- A study of the hydraulic response of landfills to infiltration events
- Assessing the risks from hydraulically contained landfill sites
- Landfill hydrogeology: impacts and challenges
- (Hydrogeological) Impact of Landfill Surcharging
- Mecoprop attenuation in landfill liner clays
- Modelling of liquid and gas transport in wastes – optimising an aerobic treatment process