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Hydrogeological Group Resources

Resources from past events organised by the Hydrogeological Group can be found below. If there is an event you would like details for, or questions about any past meeting resources that we can make available, please email us.

Communicating Groundwater - Bringing understanding to the water table (20 June 2013)

Presentations and outputs from the UK Groundwater Forum’s annual conference, co-convened with the Hydrogeological Group are available on the UK Groundwater Forum website.

Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems (27 February 2013)

Groundwater dependent ecosystems (GDEs) face multiple pressures related to public water supply, intensive agricultural land-use and land management practices, and pollution from industrial and household waste. Since the implementation of the Water Framework Directive significant effort has been put into characterising GDEs and assessing the threats to them. However, these threats may change under future environmental change.

This meeting presented current scientific research in addition to addressing issues around characterisation, conceptualisation, monitoring, modelling, and management within the context of environmental change.



LoPro: The Value of Low Yield Aquifers (6 September 2010)

Low yield aquifers, also known as low productivity aquifers, are of great importance in large parts of the world, particularly with respect to supporting local water supply as well as providing baseflow to surface waters and wetlands.

Contaminant Source Zone Characterisation and Remediation (22 April 2009)

Platform presentations

Poster Presentations

Groundwater Asset Management (10 September 2008)

This one-day meeting provided a comprehensive and up-to-date account of current groundwater asset management practice both in the UK and overseas.

Hydrogeology Meets Hydroecology (22 May 2008)

A one-day groundwater conference considering the interactions between groundwater and wetland
ecosystems, particularly with regard to key processes, their conceptualisation and analysis. 

Landfill Hydrogeology (22 February 2008)

The meeting examined key hydrogeological issues that affect the design, operation and management of landfills. The papers covered subjects such as the impacts of new policies, practical aspects of landfill hydrogeology and recent scientific developments. It was of interest to regulators, operators, consultants and academics that work with landfills and who have to assess the risks posed by them.