Useful Links
For Teachers
- The Geological Society - www.geolsoc.org.uk.
- Earth Science Teachers’ Association (ESTA) - www.esta-uk.net.
- Joint Earth Science Education Initiative - www.rsc.org/education/teachers/learnnet/jesei/index2.htm
- Earth Science Education Unit: info on INSET etc - www.earthscienceeducation.com.
- British Geological Survey - www.bgs.ac.uk/
- UKRIGS Earth Science On Site - www.ukrigs.org.uk/html/ukrigs.php?page=esos&menu=main
- Geologists' Association - www.geologists.org.uk/education.html
- A site set up to celebrate International Year of Planet Earth (2008), which aims to introduce a weekly idea for practical Earth Science teaching, for use around the World - www.earthlearningidea.com.
For Students (and teachers, too!)
- Excellent Norwegian site (in English) -Geological processes + animations - http://ansatte.uit.no/kku000/webgeology
- Volcano World – lots of info and links to other volcano sites - http://volcano.oregonstate.edu.
- The best volcanoes information on the web - www.swisseduc.ch/stromboli/!
- US Geological Survey – more links to volcanoes, earthquakes etc - http://geology.usgs.gov.
- Excellent website on Fossils and Geological Time - www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/.
- A website showing the Geological time-scale - www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/Geologictime.html.
- Photographic website with some brilliant geological images - http://geologypics.com/.
Please report any broken links by contacting web.team@geolsoc.org.uk.