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Category 4: Educational

From museums to classic field trip locations, these sites are ideal places to find out more about geology and the history of our planet.

Click on the links below to find out about each Geosite:


Granite Pluton, Isle of Arran

Firth of Clyde, Scotland

The Isle of Arran, and particularly the well-known Loch Ranza field studies centre, offers some of the best opportunities to study the geology of the last 600 million years and is a great case study in volcanic igneous geology.

Laxford Brae

Laxford Brae road section

Sutherland, Scotland

Often described as the ‘multi-coloured rock stop’, this road section is a great place to see igneous rocks and complex structural formations.

The Rotunda

Rotunda Museum, Scarborough

North Yorkshire, England

The Rotunda Museum, described as the finest surviving purpose-built museum of its age in the country, was built in 1829 to a design suggested by William Smith, 'Father of English Geology'.

""The People’s Choice

Natural History Museum

Natural History Museum, London


A very popular attraction for tourists and students of all ages, the Natural History Museum features the world-renowned Dinosaur Gallery, the interactive Earth Lab, as well as the extensive mineral collection which is used by academics and industry around the world.


Knockan Crag

Ross-Shire & Sutherland border, Scotland

Knockan Crag provides excellent, convenient access to the Moine Thrust and the metamorphic Moine rocks on the crest of the escarpment, a popular stop with University students!

""Spectacular Scenery

Wrens Nest

Wren’s Nest, Dudley

West Midlands, England

The Wren's Nest is a geological Site of Special Scientific Interest and National Nature Reserve world famous geologically for its well-preserved Silurian coral reef fossils.

Our Dynamic Earth

Our Dynamic Earth, Edinburgh


Our Dynamic Earth is a science centre, located next to the Scottish Parliament building and at the foot of Arthur's Seat. The principal focus of Our Dynamic Earth is to facilitate a better public understanding of the processes that have shaped the Earth.

Lyme Regis

Lyme Regis Beaches

Dorset, England

Lyme Regis is famous for the fossils found in its cliffs and beaches. Many of the earliest discoveries of dinosaur and other prehistoric reptile remains were made in the area around Lyme Regis, notably those discovered by Mary Anning.


Dinosaur Footprints, Bendrick Rock

Vale of Glamorgan, Wales

This Site of Special Scientific Interest is famous for the discovery of dinosaur footprints, some of which have now been removed to the National Museum Wales.

Marble Arch Caves

Marble Arch Caves

County Fermanagh, Northern Ireland

The Marble Arch Caves attract over 60,000 people every year, and are a key site for geoscience education in Northern Ireland.

100 Great Geosites


"" The People’s Choice
Winners of the Public Vote

""     Unsung Heroes    
Exceptional Local Geology

"" Spectacular Scenery
Stunning photo stops!

""         Geotourism        
Great for Visitors