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The First Women: An exhibition celebrating the centenary of female Fellowship of the Geological Society

First women

Photograph of a Geologists’ Association field trip to Leith Hill, 3 June 1912. GA Carreck Archive. Permit Number CP19/039 British Geological Survey © UKRI 2019. All rights reserved.

In 2019, the Geological Society celebrated the centenary of the election of its first female Fellows. This exhibition highlights just a few of the firsts achieved by women in both the science and the Geological Society. 

Click on each thumbnail to find out more.

Maria Graham thumb  

Maria Graham: the first woman to have a paper published in one of the Geological Society's journals

Crosfield thumb

Margaret Crosfield: the first official Female Fellow

Alexander thumb

Elizabeth Alexander: creator of the first detailed geological map of Singapore

Janet Watson

Janet Watson: the Geological Society's first female President

Acknowledgements and bibliography