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Communicating geology: Time, Uncertainty and Risk

Geology for Society is now available in 13 European languages

This page is part of the Geology for Society publication.

Geological issues are increasingly prominent in the everyday lives of people across the UK – and professional geoscientists are having to learn to communicate their science better, to enable the wider population to participate in informed debate.

Events Case Studies  




Case Studies:

L'Aquila Earthquake, 6 April 2009

Geoscientist ArticleProphet without honour - Geoscientist Article, April 2009 on an Italian geologist reported to police for scaremongering after predicting the L’Aquila earthquake

external linkNature: Scientists on trial: At fault? - Article, September 2011
external linkNature: Shock and law - Article, October 2012


eventA restless volcano and restive volcanologists: Uncertain judgements and uncertain risks - Video - William Smith Medal Recipient, Willy Aspinall

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Geoscientist ArticleGeoscientist Magazine

external linkGSL Blog

Geology for Society

Geology for Society cover

Aimed at policy and decision-makers as well as the wider public, 'Geology for Society' outlines the importance of geology to our society.