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Engineering the Future

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This page is part of the Geology for Society publication.

Understanding ground conditions and how buildings, infrastructure and people interact with their geological environment is essential to assuring public safety and well-being, delivering value for money and meeting the challenges of living with environmental change.

Engineering the Subsurface
Engineering the Surface

Engineering the Subsurface

external linkBritish Geological Survey: The UK National Geological Model
eventPast Meetings & Lectures


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Engineering the Surface

eventPast Meetings & Lectures


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Geoscientist ArticleGeoscientist Magazine

BGS: National Geological Model

The National Geological Model (NGM) team's objective is to construct an accurate, multi-scalar, geospatial model of the subsurface arrangement of the rocks and sediments of the UK .

Geology for Society

Geology for Society cover

Aimed at policy and decision-makers as well as the wider public, 'Geology for Society' outlines the importance of geology to our society.