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Browse resources about equality, diversity and inclusion from a range of sources, focusing particularly on disability, accessibility and mental health.
Relevant organisations and websites
Business Disability Forum – A not-for-profit membership organisation making it easier and more rewarding to do business with and employ disabled people by providing pragmatic support, sharing expertise, giving advice, providing training and facilitating networking opportunities.
Centre for Accessible Environments – Providing consultancy, training, research and publications on building design and management to meet all user needs, including those of disabled and older people.
Change People – A human rights organisation led by people with disabilities, working to build an inclusive society where people with learning disabilities are treated equally.
CAST – A non-profit education research and development organisation that works to expand learning opportunities for all individuals through Universal Design for Learning.
The Disabilities Trust – A charity providing specialist community-based and residential support (including education) for adults with acquired brain injury, complex physical or learning disabilities and for people with autism.
EmployAbility – Dedicated to assisting students and graduates with all disabilities, including dyslexia or long-term health conditions, with getting into employment.
Mind – Providing advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem. Campaigning to improve services, raise awareness and promote understanding.
Mencap – The leading voice of learning disability. Supporting people with a learning disability, and their families and carers.
Scope – Disability equality charity in England and Wales providing practical information and emotional support when it is most needed.
Global Disability Innovation Hub – Based at UCL on Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, the GDI Hub is formed of an academic research centre and a community interest company, building a movement to accelerate disability innovation for a fairer world.
UDL-Universe – Supports postsecondary faculty and staff by providing resources to improve postsecondary education outcomes for all students.
Disability Rights UK – A UK pan-disability charity aiming to represent the needs and expectations of disabled people in the UK. Disability Rights UK was formed as a result of several disability charities merging in 2012.
PhDisabled – A space for PhD students with disabilities or chronic illnesses to share their experiences.
Snowdon Trust – Provider of grants for physically disabled and sensory impaired students studying in the UK, both those in further or higher education and those training towards employment.
2eMPower – A joint project between Professor Sara Rankin of Imperial College London and Dr Susen Smith of GERRIC, UNSW (Sydney, Australia). Inspiring and enabling more students with learning differences to undertake STEM degrees and to become valued members of the STEM workforce.
The DO-IT (Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking, and Technology) Centre – Dedicated to empowering people with disabilities through technology and education. It promotes awareness and accessibility, in both the classroom and the workplace, to maximise the potential of individuals with disabilities and make our communities more vibrant, diverse and inclusive.
The International Association for Geoscience Diversity (IAGD) – An organisation that is promoting access and inclusion in the geosciences for people with disabilities.
REAP (Researching Equity, Access and Participation) – From Lancaster University. Researchers, educational practitioners and community development workers who explore widening access to learning amongst excluded groups of learners of all ages (e.g. minority ethnic, disabled and working class). Browse their research directory.
Time to Change – A social movement working to change the way we all think and act about mental health problems. Their website hosts a collection of freely accessible resources.
Shaw Trust – A charity helping to transform the lives of disabled and disadvantaged young people and adults across the UK and internationally.
University of New Hampshire – Institute on Disability – The Institute on Disability focuses its efforts on the improvement of knowledge, policies, and practices related to the lives of people with disabilities and their families. The Institute conducts research, manages grants and projects and produces resources on a range of disability topics.
Resources and articles of interest
Mental Health at Work – This website hosts a broad array of documents, guides, tips, videos, courses, podcasts, templates, toolkits and information from key organisations across the UK, focusing on mental health in the workplace.
Co-producing Mental Health Strategies with Students: A Guide for the Higher Education Sector – A comprehensive toolkit produced by Student Minds, bringing together the insights of students and the expertise of professionals from across the higher education and health sectors.
Ability Promotions – Create two magazines:
- Employmentability aims to encourage employers to have a more inclusive and diverse workforce and incentivises those who feel discriminated against to seek employment.
- Living with Disability informs disabled people, their families and friends on how to access available products and opportunities.
Ableize – A directory of information on disability.
AccessAble – Provides users with the detailed information they need to work out if a place is going to be accessible to them, offering information regarding the accessibility of a venue, usually accompanied by figures and photographs.
Between a rock and a hard place - making fieldwork accessible to disabled learners – Supporting learning providers in creating inclusive teaching and learning experiences.
Ten Ways to Make Conferences Accessible to People with Disabilities – A guide by Debra Guckenheimer on making conferences more inclusive.
How to Make Professional Conferences More Accessible for Disabled People: Guidance from Actual Disabled Scientists – Blog from the Union of Concerned Scientists by Gabi Serrato Marks.
Mental health in the field – Nature Geoscience, vol. 11, 618-620 (September 2018), Cédric Michaël John and Saira Bano Khan.
What Happens Next? – A Report on the First Destinations of Disabled Graduates – This report compares the employment outcomes of disabled and non-disabled graduates, and provides real evidence of the effects of a disability on a graduate's employment prospects. This latest edition reports on the first destinations of the 2016 graduate cohort.
Disability Effective Inclusive Policies Project (DEIP) – This project explores ways in which the higher education sector can support equality of opportunity in education and employment for people who are disadvantaged through a range of disabilities, and who may also be disadvantaged because of their race, gender, class and/or age. - Disabilities – Various information from the Government about disability.
Disability Horizons magazine – An online disability lifestyle publication that aims to give disabled people a voice.
Using digital technologies to promote inclusive practices in education – From the National Foundation for Educational Research.
Accessible Organisations – A blog to support learning providers in creating an accessible teaching and learning environment.
Geoscience accessibility – A collection of Nature Geoscience opinion pieces that introduce a range of ideas for breaking down barriers to engaging with the geosciences.
Designing Principles for Creating Effective Web-Based Learning Resources in the Geosciences – Resource about website accessibility from Teach the Earth.
Enabling remote activity: widening participation in field study courses – Book chapter from Trevor Collins, Sarah Davies and Mark Gaved. This section explores the use of a portable Wi-Fi network and mobile technologies to support the inclusion of physically disabled students in field study courses.
Mental Health at Work Report 2018 – A report from Business in the Community focusing on the current improvements being made on mental health in the workplace.
#Stepchange Report – Guidance from Universities UK for universities on creating a mentally healthy environment for students and staff. A framework has also been developed to support higher education institutions in adopting a whole-university approach to mental health.
Understanding mental health in the research environment – A Rapid Evidence Assessment from RAND Europe, the aim of the work is to establish whether there are specific mental health needs among researchers, what interventions have been considered in this setting, and whether those interventions have been effective in addressing the mental health and wellbeing needs of researchers.
Information on eligibility and claims arrangements for Disabled Students' Allowance – From Government pages on student finance.
Help and support for young disabled people on finding and staying in work – From the Department for Work and Pensions.
Toilet stops in the field: An educational primer and recommended best practices for field-based teaching – From the Earth Sciences Department at the University of Birmingham.
Designing remote field experiences – This project is a collaborative effort of the NAGT and the IAGD to create a resource collection oriented around designing remote or virtual field experiences.
Access Anglesey 2018: Lessons form an inclusive field course - A review of the Access Anglesey 2018 inclusive field course, purposefully designed to be physically accessible to, and socially aware of, a diverse range of learners.
Accessible communication formats – The Cabinet Office’s Disability Unit have released an updated document that focuses on the latest best practice guidance on inclusive communications.