Athena SWAN
General information | Widening participation | Gender | Race and ethnicity | Accessibility | Education | Data and statistics | Athena SWAN | LGBTQ+
Athena SWAN is a charter managed by the Equality Challenge Unit (now part of Advance HE) that recognises and celebrates good practices in higher education and research institutions towards the advancement of gender equality: representation, progression and success for all.
Originally aimed at women's progression in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Medicine (STEMM), from April 2015, it has been opened up to departments in Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences, Business and Laws. Athena SWAN recognises work undertaken to address gender equality more broadly, and not just barriers that affect women.
- Athena SWAN resources from the Athena SWAN website
- Things to consider for your Athena SWAN Action Plan, a blog post from Dr Paul Brennan (School of Medicine, Cardiff University)
- Good Practice Scheme - Support for Mathematics Departments from the London Mathematical Society
- Top tips for an Athena SWAN application from the Royal Society of Biology
- Athena SWAN Biosciences Best Practice Workshop by the Royal Society of Biology
- The Seven Steps of Action Planning from PennState Extension at the Pennsylvania State University