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Browse resources about equality, diversity and inclusion from a range of sources, focusing particularly on schools and higher education.

Relevant organisations and websites

Centre for Studies on Inclusive Education – A national charity that works to promote equality and eliminate discrimination in education. In addition to producing a wide range of resources, CSIE provides training and consultancy nationally and internationally.

National Center on Universal Design for Learning at CAST – Universal design for learning (UDL) is a framework to improve and optimise teaching and learning for all people based on scientific insights into how humans learn.

Engineering Development Trust – Delivers over 40,000 STEM experiences each year for young people aged 9 to 21 across the UK, providing opportunities for young people to enhance their technical, personal and employability skills through industry-led projects, industrial placements and specialised taster courses.

The pK-12 Action Group at MIT – Focuses its efforts on learning approaches beyond its campus, from pre-school to secondary.

Higher Education Policy Institute (HEPI) – An independent think tank that focuses on all aspects of higher education in the UK.

Wonkhe – An independent organisation that focuses on higher education policy throughout the UK and Australia.

Earth Science Teachers' Association – A network of teachers, educators and partners working to support and improve the teaching of Earth sciences at all levels in the UK.

The UPP Foundation – A registered charity that offers grants to universities, charities and other higher education bodies.

AMOSSHE – Promotes the development and sharing of good practice within student services in the UK higher education sector at a national level, producing research reports, guides and toolkits.

Education Policy Institute – Aims to raise standards in education through rigorous data analysis, research, and the exchange of information and knowledge to help inform the public and hold Government and decision-makers to account.

STEM Central – Resource platform from the Association of American Colleges and Universities focusing on issues related to improving undergraduate STEM education.

Knowledge Hub from Advance HE (formerly the Higher Education Academy) – Resource portal focusing on higher education in the UK.

REAP - Researching Equity Access and Participation – From Lancaster University. A list of all research output from REAP, a group of researchers, educational practitioners and community development workers who explore widening access to learning amongst excluded groups of learners of all ages.

Resources and articles of interest

ASPIRES – Young people’s science and career aspirations, age 10 to 14 – The ASPIRES study sought to shed new light on our understanding of how young people’s aspirations develop over the 10 to 14 age period, exploring in particular what influences the likelihood of a young person aspiring to a science-related career. This project was first based at King's College London, having moved to the UCL Institute of Education in March 2017.

Inclusive education and the law – An overview, provided by CSIE, on how the laws support inclusive education in the UK.

Tackling Diversity in Scholarly Communications (part one and part two) – Two-part series from the Society for Scholarly Publishing, focusing on ways to broaden participation in scholarly communications from underrepresented groups.

Student Perceptions of Faculty Implementation of Universal Design for LearningJournal of Postsecondary Education and Disability, 24(1), 17-30.

School of hard knock-backs: how to engage schools and colleges – Article by Wonkhe highlighting the principles that underpin effective school partnerships.

Attract Diverse Students to STEM – Resource page from InTeGrate listing a number of ways to help attract more students into STEM subjects.

Lessons from London Schools: Investigating the Success – This report provides a comprehensive synthesis of previous evaluations of the London schools’ journey, and of the distinctive elements which are perceived as contributing to improvement.

GeoBus – A free outreach programme run by Earth Sciences at UCL, providing workshops to both primary and secondary schools.

Employer engagement in education – A report from the Education Development Trust which details the ways in which employers engage with young people's activities, including work experience, job shadowing, workplace visits, career talks, mock interviews, CV workshops, business mentoring, enterprise competitions and the provision of learning resources.

Developing and embedding inclusive policy and practice in higher education – This report from Advance HE is an outcome of a facilitative change programme, Developing and Embedding Inclusive Policy and Practice in Higher Education, involving ten higher education institutional teams and led by the Higher Education Academy.

Increasing Diversity in the Geosciences: Recruitment Programs and Student Self-EfficacyJournal of Geoscience Education, v. 58, n. 1 (January 2010), 32-42. This study explores specific recruitment programs that may contribute to the development of self-efficacy for BAME students in the geosciences.

American Geosciences Institute – Education Resource Centre – A wide array of geoscience education resources for all ages. The database has thousands of free resources, from lessons to outreach and teacher professional development.

The Teaching Commons – Resources from Georgetown University related to teaching, including tools for designing your courses, examples from faculty, and suggestions for further reading on a range of pedagogical topics. Applicable to all disciplines and open to anyone.

Association of American Universities Resource Library – Library of resources highlighting contributions to understanding and advancing improvements to STEM teaching and learning.