General information
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Browse general equality, diversity and inclusion information, resources and articles from a range of organisations.
Relevant organisations and websites
- Equalities Office
- Women and Equalities Select Committee
- Skills Funding Agency
- Equality Act 2010
- Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC)
- Health and Safety Executive
- Gov.UK - discrimination: your rights
Campaigning/advisory organisations
- British Institute of Human Rights
- CaSE - Campaign for Science and Engineering
- Equality Advisory and Support Service
- WISE Campaign
- Business in the Community
- Inspiring the Future
- Disability Rights UK
- Stephen Lawrence Charitable Trust
- Generating Genius
- Campaign for Learning
- Equally Ours
- NatCen Social Research (see their equality and diversity resources)
- Diversity UK
Articles and resources
Public Sector Equality Duty – The equality duty covers the nine protected characteristics: age, disability, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation.
Equality Act 2010 – Handbook for Advisers – This provides a brief overview of the Equality Act 2010 – please note that advisers are encouraged to use this as a starting point to direct further reading.
Measurement framework for equality and human rights – This document sets out the measurement framework that the Equality and Human Rights Commission uses to monitor equality and human rights in Britain.
Improving Diversity in STEM – This CaSE report brings together data and research from the last five years to build a picture of the current state of diversity in STEM, from education to the workforce.
Building a Successful D&I Strategy – Dan Roberts, ENEI, gives his top ten tips for building and implementing a successful D&I strategy.
Discovering the Glass Cliff – Insights into addressing subtle gender discrimination in the workplace – project undertaken by the University of Exeter, highlighting the constraints on women’s career decisions.
Breaking the Barriers – Women’s retention and progression in the chemical sciences – Report by the Royal Society of Chemistry.
Toolkits, frameworks and guides
Inclusive curriculum for student progression and success toolkit – From the University Teaching Academy at Manchester Metropolitan University, this toolkit offers advice about creating a more inclusive teaching and learning environment for students, with further guidance for specific groups of students.
STEM Framework – From the Association of American Universities, the framework provides a set of key institutional elements that need to be addressed in order to bring about sustainable change.
Sponsor Toolkit – Advance HE's additional resource for those taking part in the Diversifying Leadership Sponsor Programme.
Gender mainstreaming in higher education toolkit – This INASP toolkit has been developed for facilitators who are interested in introducing gender mainstreaming in higher education in order to challenge gender inequality.
Equality and Diversity toolkit – This toolkit will help you promote careers in and through STEM to young people with protected characteristics who are underrepresented or disadvantaged in STEM-related learning and employment.
Increasing diversity and inclusion in engineering – a case study toolkit – From the Royal Academy of Engineering.