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Browse general equality, diversity and inclusion information, resources and articles from a range of organisations.

Relevant organisations and websites


Campaigning/advisory organisations

Articles and resources

Public Sector Equality Duty – The equality duty covers the nine protected characteristics: age, disability, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation.

Equality Act 2010 – Handbook for Advisers – This provides a brief overview of the Equality Act 2010 – please note that advisers are encouraged to use this as a starting point to direct further reading.

Measurement framework for equality and human rights – This document sets out the measurement framework that the Equality and Human Rights Commission uses to monitor equality and human rights in Britain.

Improving Diversity in STEM – This CaSE report brings together data and research from the last five years to build a picture of the current state of diversity in STEM, from education to the workforce.

Building a Successful D&I Strategy – Dan Roberts, ENEI, gives his top ten tips for building and implementing a successful D&I strategy.

Discovering the Glass Cliff – Insights into addressing subtle gender discrimination in the workplace – project undertaken by the University of Exeter, highlighting the constraints on women’s career decisions.

Breaking the Barriers – Women’s retention and progression in the chemical sciences – Report by the Royal Society of Chemistry.

Toolkits, frameworks and guides

Inclusive curriculum for student progression and success toolkit – From the University Teaching Academy at Manchester Metropolitan University, this toolkit offers advice about creating a more inclusive teaching and learning environment for students, with further guidance for specific groups of students.

STEM Framework – From the Association of American Universities, the framework provides a set of key institutional elements that need to be addressed in order to bring about sustainable change.

Sponsor ToolkitAdvance HE's additional resource for those taking part in the Diversifying Leadership Sponsor Programme.

Gender mainstreaming in higher education toolkit – This INASP toolkit has been developed for facilitators who are interested in introducing gender mainstreaming in higher education in order to challenge gender inequality.

Equality and Diversity toolkit – This toolkit will help you promote careers in and through STEM to young people with protected characteristics who are underrepresented or disadvantaged in STEM-related learning and employment.

Increasing diversity and inclusion in engineering – a case study toolkit – From the Royal Academy of Engineering.