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Race and ethnicity

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Browse resources about equality, diversity and inclusion from a range of sources, focusing particularly on race and ethnicity.

Relevant organisations and websites

African Caribbean Diversity – Founded in 1990 by a group of black professionals whose shared vision was of a dynamic organisation that would promote the entry, development and advancement of its members into business organisations.

Association for Black and Minority Ethnic Engineers (AFBE-UK) – Provides support and promotes achievement in education and engineering particularly among students and professionals from ethnic minority backgrounds.

BEMIS – The national umbrella body led by people of ethnic minority backgrounds, supporting the development of the minority ethnic voluntary sector in Scotland and the communities that this sector represents.

Race Equality Foundation – Promotes race equality in social support and public services.

Runnymede Trust – The UK's leading independent race equality think tank.

Voice4Change England – A national advocate for the black and minority ethnic voluntary and community sector (BMS VCS) with the overarching aim of strengthening the BME VCS to meet the needs of disadvantaged communities.

Centre on Dynamics of Ethnicity (CoDE) – An ESRC-funded research centre with an interdisciplinary programme of research providing theoretically informed, empirically grounded and policy-relevant research on ethnic inequalities in the UK.

Equality Charter Unit’s Race Equality Charter – ECU’s Race Equality Charter (REC) provides a framework through which institutions work to identify and self-reflect on institutional and cultural barriers standing in the way of minority ethnic staff and students.

Integrate UK – A youth-led charity that empowers young people to take an active role in transforming the society they live in.

Race on the Agenda (ROTA) – A social policy research organisation that focuses on issues affecting black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) communities. Their main policy priorities are health, education and criminal justice.

Stephen Lawrence Charitable Trust – Working with young people from disadvantaged backgrounds to inspire and enable them to succeed in the career of their choice.

Resources and articles of interest

Race in the workplace - The McGregor-Smith Review – Independent review by Baroness McGregor-Smith considering the issues affecting black and minority ethnic (BME) groups in the workplace.

Race at Work - The Scorecard Report 2018 – The McGregor-Smith Review: One Year On. A one-year on review of how employers in the UK are performing against the recommendations outlined in the McGregor-Smith Review 'Race in the workplace' (above).

Class differences: Ethnicity and disadvantage – This report from the Sutton Trust highlights how the academic attainment of disadvantaged pupils at 16 varies dramatically between different ethnic groups.

Race Disparity Audit - Third Report of the Session 2017-19 – A review commissioned by the House of Commons' Women and Equalities Committee to identify and collate existing data on outcomes by race and ethnicity across the public sector.

Ethnicity facts and figures at – Government website providing information on a number of areas related to ethnicity in the UK.

Minority Report: Race and Class in post-Brexit Britain – This publication from the Runnymede Trust is part of the Runnymede Perspectives series, the aim of which is to encourage free and exploratory thinking on race, ethnicity and equality.

Brexit for BAME Britain - Investigating the impact – The findings from Race on the Agenda's briefing suggest that the overall impact of Brexit on BAME communities will be negative, both economically and for community relations, if the Government does not change track.

Equality and Inclusion in the Academies Programme: 2016 – A literature review and analysis by Race on the Agenda of written submissions to the Education Committee Inquiry on Multi-Academy Trusts.

Shaping the future: Getting the best for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Children and Young People – An overview of Race on the Agenda's seminar series, summarising the broad-ranging discussions that took place and the solutions posed by participants to some of the key challenges identified.

Ethnic Minority Female Unemployment: Black, Pakistani and Bangladeshi Heritage Women – The inquiry by the All Party Parliamentary Group on Race and Community into ethnic minority female unemployment.

Aiming Higher - Race, Inequality and Diversity in the Academy – This Runnymede Trust report on higher education and race, Aiming Higher, outlines the continued inequalities for black and minority ethnic people in terms of admissions, degree attainment, curriculum content and staffing in universities.

Black and Ethnic Minority Young People and Educational Disadvantage – This Runnymede Trust report aims to collate existing knowledge and information in order to identify gaps in understanding and make recommendations for areas that would benefit from further research.

Snowy Peaks - Ethnic Diversity at the Top – This report from the Runnymede Trust identifies key challenges and opportunities arising from efforts to grow diversity. Its purpose is to incite considered thought and debate on leadership and commitment to building workplace cultures rooted in diversity and inclusion.

Widening Participation and Race Equality – In this collection of papers from the Runnymede Trust, the authors address what race equality has to do with widening participation, highlighting that participation is to an extent about gaining entry to an institution, but also about making progress while there.

Reviewing the aims and effectiveness of the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) in Great Britain – This research by the Equality and Human Rights Commission looks at how public authorities in England, Scotland and Wales set their equality objectives and put them into practice.

A roadmap to race equality – This strategy from the Equality and Human Rights Commission sets out our recommendations for Government on tackling race inequality in Britain. It includes five priority areas for action.

No progress on diversity in 40 years – Rachel E. Bernard and Emily H. G. Cooperdock for Nature Geoscience, vol. 11, 292–295 (May 2018). "Ethnic and racial diversity are extremely low among United States citizens and permanent residents who earned doctorates in earth, atmospheric and ocean sciences. Worse, there has been little to no improvement over the past four decades."