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Obituaries - B

To obtain a copy of an obituary, please contact the LibraryCharges apply and payment will be required in advance from non-Fellows. Copies of obituaries published in the Society's Quarterly journal may alternatively be purchased online via the Lyell Collection (usually found in the 'Proceedings' section as part of the Anniversary Address of the President), or for those published prior to 1923 they may be found online courtesy of the Biodiversity Library.

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I-J  K  L  M  N  O  P-Q  R  S  T  U-V  W  X-Z 

See our list of abbreviations for the published source of the obituaries.

Babbage, Charles 1872 QJ 28
Baber, James (note) 1888 QJ 44
Babington, Charles Cardale 1896 QJ 52
Babington, William, MD 1834 Proc 2(35)
Badarch, Gombosuren 2006 Ann. rept.
Baden-Powell, Donald Ferlys Wilson 1973 Yrbk.
Badham, John Patrick Nicholas (Nick) 2010 Geosci 20(12)
Bailey, Capt Tom Esmond Geoffrey (WD) 1920 QJ 76
Bailey, David Kenneth 2012 Geosci 23(5) (2013)
Bailey, Sir Edward Battersby, MC 1965 Proc 1628
Baily, William Hellier 1889 QJ 45
Bain, Alexander David Neal 1983 Ann. rept.
Bain, Andrew Geddes 1865 QJ 21
Bain, John Sturrock 1998 Ann. rev.
Bainbridge, William 1873 QJ 29
Bairstow, Leslie 1995 Ann. rept.
Baker, Benjamin Alfred (note) 1938 QJ 94
Baker, Herbert Arthur 1955 Proc 1529
Baker, John Macrae Christian Wellstood 2014 Geosci 25(1) (2015)
Baker, Peter 2007 Ann. rept.
Baker, Walter Joseph 1900 QJ 56
Bald, Robert 1863 QJ 19
Bald, William 1858 QJ 14
Baldry, Robert Ashley 1953 Proc 1502
Baldwin, Walter 1956 Proc 1541
Ball, Francis Matthew (note) 1957 Proc 1554
Ball, Harry Standish 1941 QJ 97
Ball, John 1941 QJ 97
Ball, Valentine 1896 QJ 52
Ball, Sir William Valentine OBE 1961 Proc 1592
Ballot, John 1924 QJ 80
Balston, William Edward 1919 QJ 75
Baltzer, Richard Armin 1914 QJ 70
Bamber, Agnes Elizabeth 1953 Proc 1502
Banks, Christopher James 2005 Ann. rept.
Barber, Peter Marriott 2018 Geosci 29(8) (2019)
Barbour, George Brown 1977 Ann. rept.
Barclay, Francis Hubert 1935 QJ 91
Barkas, Thomas Pallister 1892 QJ 48
Barker, Peter Frank 2012 Geosci 23(4) (2013)
Barlow, Dr Henry Clark 1877 QJ 33
Barlow, William 1935 QJ 91
Barnes, John Wykeham 2007 Ann. rept.
Barnes, Jonathan (note) 1929 QJ 85
Baron, Rev Richard 1908 QJ 64
Barr, Ken W. 1987 Ann. rept.
Barrande, Joachim 1884 QJ 40
Barrett, Benjamin Hilton 1948 QJ 104
Barrett, Lucas 1864 QJ 20
Barrett, William Lawrence 2009 Geosci 20(4)
Barrois, Charles 1940 QJ 96
Barron, Thomas 1906 QJ 62
Barron, William Ernest 1935 QJ 91
Barrow, George 1933 QJ 89
Barrow, Louis (note) 1948 QJ 104
Barth, Thomas Frederick Weiby 1971 Yrbk.
Bassler, Ray Smith 1962 Proc 1602
Basterot, Baron Bartholomew de (note) 1888 QJ 44
Bate, Dorothea Minola Alice 1950 QJ 106
Bateman, John Frederick La Trobe 1890 QJ 46
Bates, Leonard J (WD) (note) 1919 QJ 75
Bather, Francis Arthur 1935 QJ 91
Bathurst, Robin Gilbert Charles 2006 Ann. rept.
Bauerman, Hilary 1910 QJ 66
Baxter, Wynne Edwin 1921 QJ 77
Beadnell, Maj Hugh John 1944 QJ 100
Beale, Sir William Phipson 1923 QJ 79
Beardmore, Nathaniel 1873 QJ 29
Beasley, Cyril George 1957 Proc 1554
Beaufort, RAdm Sir Francis 1858 QJ 14
Beaumont, Jean-Baptiste Armand Louis Léonce Élie de 1875 QJ 31
Beaver, Stanley Henry 1984 Ann. rept.
Becher, Harry Macdonald 1894 QJ 50
Becke, Friedrich Johann 1932 QJ 88
Beckles, Samuel H 1891 QJ 47
Bedford, [John Russell], 6th Duke of 1841 Proc 3(81)
Bedford, James Edward 1926 QJ 82
Beeby-Thompson, Arthur 1969 Proc 1655
Beecher, Charles Emerson 1905 QJ 61
Beer, Edwin John 1986 Ann. rept.
Begg, James Livingstone 1961 Proc 1592
Belinfante, Leo Baptiste Louis 1938 QJ 94
Bell, Alexander Montgomerie 1921 QJ 77
Bell, Alfred (note) 1926 QJ 82
Bell, Alfred Graham (note) 1965 Proc 1628
Bell, Dugald 1899 QJ 55
Bell, Frederic Gladstone (Fred) 2014 Geosci 24(10)
Bell, James Mackintosh 1935 QJ 91
Bell, Matthew 1904 QJ 60
Bell, Robert 1918 QJ 74
Bell, Robert George 1888 QJ 44
Bell, William David (note) 1962 Proc 1602
Bell, William Heward (note) 1928 QJ 84
Bellardi, Luigi 1890 QJ 46
Belt, Thomas 1879 QJ 35
Beltrandi, Mauro 2010 Geosci 20(10)
Belyankin, Dmitry Stepanovich 1954 Proc 1515
Bemrose, Dr Henry Howe 1944 QJ 100
Beneden, Pierre Joseph Van 1894 QJ 50
Bennett, Francis James 1921 QJ 77
Bennett, Rowland 1960 Proc 1582
Bennett, Walter Hellyer 1971 Yrbk.
Bennison, George Mills 2020
Benson (née Richardson), Emma 1946 QJ 102
Benson, Philip de Gylpyn 1932 QJ 88
Benson, William Noel 1959 Proc 1572
Berger, J Francis, MD 1834 Proc 2(35)
Berkey, Dr Charles Peter 1956 Proc 1541
Berry, Edward Willard 1970 Proc 1662
Bertrand, Marcel 1908 QJ 64
Bertrand de Doue, Jacques Mathieu 1863 QJ 19
Bertsbergh, Jan Wilhelm Bausch van P 1998 Ann. rev.
Berzelius, Jacob 1849 QJ 5
Bestow, Terence Trevor 2013 Geosci. 24(6) (2014)
Beudant, François Sulplice 1851 QJ 7
Bevan, Benjamin 1839 Proc 3(61)
Bewick, Thomas John 1898 QJ 54
Beydoun, Ziad Rafiq 1998 Ann. rev.
Beyrich, Dr Heinrich Ernst 1897 QJ 53
Bigsby, Dr John Jeremiah 1881 QJ 37
Billings, Elkanah 1877 QJ 33
Binney, Edward William 1882 QJ 38
Binnie, Geoffrey Morse 1989 Ann. rept.
Bion, Herbert Stanley (note) 1916 QJ 72
Bird, Charles 1911 QJ 67
Birds, James Adey 1895 QJ 51
Bishop, Walter William 1977 Ann. rept.
Bishopp, Douglas Wallace 1977 Ann. rept.
Bisset, Charles Barron (note) 1965-66 Proc 1636
Black, George Purves 1997 Ann. rev.
Black, Dr James 1868 QJ 24
Black, Maurice 1974 Ann. rept.
Black, Russell 2008 Ann. rept.
Blackmore, Humphrey Purnell, MD (note) 1929 QJ 85
Blackwelder, Eliot 1970 Proc 1662
Blainville, Marie-Henri Ducrotay de 1851 QJ 7
Blake, George Stanfield 1941 QJ 97
Blake, John Frederick 1907 QJ 63
Blake, John Hopwood 1902 QJ 58
Blake, William Phipps 1911 QJ 67
Blanc, Alberto Carlo 1961 Proc 1592
Blanche, (James) Bruce 2018 Geosci 29(6) (2019)
Blanford, Henry Francis 1893 QJ 49
Blanford, William Thomas 1906 QJ 62
Bleackley, David 2002 Ann. rept.
Blomefield, Rev Leonard (né Jenyns) 1894 QJ 50
Blondel, Fernand 1972 Yrbk.
Blow, Walter Harry 1972 Yrbk.
Bloxam, Thomas 1873 QJ 29
Bluck, Brian John 2015 Geosci 24(11)
Blumenbach, Dr Johann Friedrich 1841 Proc 3(81)
Blyth, Francis George Henry 1993 Ann. rept.
Bolton, Herbert 1936 QJ 92
Bond, Geoffrey 1983 Ann. rept.
Bonney, Thomas George 1924 QJ 80
Boocock, Colin 1974 Ann. rept.
Booth, William Henry (note) 1923 QJ 79
Boothman, Alan (note) 1956 Proc 1541
Bosquet, Joseph Augustin Hubert 1881 QJ 37
Bostock, John, MD 1847 QJ 3
Boston, George Florance Irby, Lord, LLD 1942 QJ 98
Boswell, C F (note) 1929 QJ 85
Boswell, Percy George Hamnall 1961 Proc 1592
Bosworth, John Alleyne 1899 QJ 55 (Note)
Bosworth, Thomas Owen 1929 QJ 85
Botfield, Thomas 1843 Proc 4(93)
Bott, Martin Harold Phillips 2018 Geosci 29(5) (2019)
Boucher de Crevecour de Perthes, Jacques 1869 QJ 25
Boué, Ami 1882 QJ 38
Boulger, George Simmonds 1923 QJ 79
Boulton, William Savage 1955 Proc 1529
Bourchier, John Rickman (note) 1928 QJ 84
Bowen, John Myles 201 3 Geosci; 24(7) (2014)
Bowen, Norman Levi 1957 Proc 1554
Bowerbank, Dr James Scott 1878 QJ 34
Bowie, Stanley Hay Umphray 2008 Ann. rept.
Bowman, Herbert Lister 1942 QJ 98
Bowman, John Eddowes 1842 Proc 3(86)
Bowman, Thomas Sutton 1938 QJ 94
Bowman-Beer, Harold Edward George 1974 Ann. rept.
Bowring, Col Frederick Thomas Nelson Spratt, RE (note) 1920 QJ 76
Boyd, Alexander John 1970 Proc 1664B
Boyd, David Murray 2016 Geosci 27(7) (2017)
Boyle, Robert 1918 QJ 74
Braby, Frederick 1912 QJ 68
Bradshaw, Reginald 2019 Geosci 30(1) (2020)
Brady, Sir Antonio 1882 QJ 38
Brady, Henry Bowman 1891 QJ 47
Braham, William 2016 Geosci 27(7 (2017)
Braikenridge, George Weare 1858 QJ 14
Brammall, Alfred 1954 Proc 1515
Bramwych, Michael 1974 Ann. rept.
Brandorff, William Allan 1983 Memb. List
Brandt, Johann Friedrich 1880 QJ 36
Branner, John Casper 1923 QJ 79
Branson, John Maurice 1983 Memb. List
Brasier, Martin David 2014 Geosci 25(6) (2015)
Brass, Rev Henry 1905 QJ 61
Brayley, Edward William 1870 QJ 26
Brenchley, Patrick John 2011 Geosci 21(6)
Breton, Capt William Henry (note) 1888 QJ 44
Brewster, Sir David 1869 QJ 25
Briart, Alphonse 1899 QJ 55
Brickenden, Maj Richard Thomas William Lambart 1900 QJ 56
Bridges, Paul Howard 2017 Geosci 30(3) (2020)
Bright, Dr Richard 1860 QJ 16
Bright, Richard, Jr 1841 Proc 3(81)
Bright, Sir Charles Tilston 1889 QJ 45
Brindley, William 1920 QJ 76
Bristow, Henry William 1890 QJ 46
Broadhurst, Frederick Munro 2009 Geosci 20(4)
Brocchi, Signor G [Giambattista] 1828 Proc 1(6)
Brochant de Villiers, André Jean [François]-Marie 1841 Proc 3(81)
Brock, Byron Britton 1972 Yrbk.
Brock, Reginald Walter 1936 QJ 92
Broderip, William John 1860 QJ 16
Brodie, Rev. Peter Bellinger 1898 QJ 54
Brodrick, Harold 1947 QJ 103
Broecker, Wallace Smith 2019 Geosci 29(11)
Broegger, Waldemar Christopher 1941 QJ 97
Broggi, Jorge Albert 1965-66 Proc 1636
Broili, Ferdinand 1960 Proc 1582
Bromehead, Cyril Edward Nowill 1953 Proc 1502
Brongniart, Adolphe Theodore 1877 QJ 33
Brongniart, Alexandre 1848 QJ 4
Brongniart, Charles Jules Edme 1900 QJ 56
Bronn, Heinrich G 1863 QJ 19
Brooke, Sir Arthur de Capell (note) 1862 QJ 18
Brooke, Henry James 1858 QJ 14
Brooks, James (Jim) 2017 Geosci 27(10)
Brooks, Michael 2017 Geosci 28(2) (2018)
Brothers, Raymond Nicholas 1988 Ann. rept.
Brough, Bennett Hooper 1909 QJ 65
Broughton-Edge, Arthur Broughton 1954 Proc 1515
Brown, Charles Barrington 1917 QJ 73
Brown, Donald Ross 1988 Ann. rept.
Brown, Edmund Ernest Stockwell 1960 Proc 1582
Brown, Francis Everard 1896 QJ 52
Brown, Geoffrey Charles 1992 Ann. rept.
Brown, Sir George Malcolm 1997 Ann. rev.
Brown, James Chapman 1948 QJ 104
Brown, James (Hamish) Macmillan 1970 Proc 1664B
Brown, John 1860 QJ 16
Brown, John 1889 QJ 45
Brown, John Allen 1904 QJ 60
Brown, John Coggin 1964 Proc 1618
Brown, Robert , F.R.S. (note) 1859 QJ 15
Browne, R.G. Mackley (note) 1905 QJ 61
Browne, Ven Archdeacon Robert W. (note) 1896 QJ 52
Browning, Geoffrey Robert John 2010 Geosci 20(9)
Brownridge, Col Charles 1951 QJ 107
Brunlees, Sir James 1893 QJ 49
Brunstrom, Rudolph Geoffrey Waldemar 2016 Geosci 28(2) (2018)
Brush, George Jarvis 1913 QJ 69
Bryce, Dr James 1878 QJ 34
Brydone, Reginald Marr 1944 QJ 100
Bryson, Alexander 1867 QJ 23
Buch, Leopold von 1854 QJ 10
Buchan, Stevenson 1996 Ann. rept.
Buchan, Stuart Hardy  2011 Geosci 21(2)
Buckland, Very Rev William DD 1857 QJ 13
Buckman, James 1885 QJ 41
Buckman, Sydney Savory 1930 QJ 86
Bull, Alfred Joseph 1950 QJ 106
Bullard, Sir Edward Crisp 1983 Memb. List
Bullen, Keith Edward 1976 Ann. rept.
Bullen, Robert Ashington 1913 QJ 69
Bullerwell, William 1977 Ann. rept.
Bulman, Oliver Meredith Boone 1974 Ann. rept.
Bunbury, Sir Charles James Fox bart 1887 QJ 43
Bunbury, Sir Edward Herbert, bart 1896 QJ 52
Bunning, Charles Ziethen 1932 QJ 88
Bunsen, Robert Wilhelm 1900 QJ 56
Burdon, David J. 1988 Ann. rept.
Burkart, Hermann Josef 1875 QJ 31
Burkitt, Miles Crawford 1971 Yrbk.
Burls, Herbert Thomas 1925 QJ 81
Burnaby, Thomas Patrick 1970 Proc 1662
Burney, The Ven Archdeacon Charles Parr 1865 QJ 21
Burrows, Henry William (note) 1941 QJ 97
Burrows, William Alfred 1970 Proc 1664B
Burton, Ernest St John 1963 Proc 1611
Burton, Reginald Cooksey (WD) 1917 QJ 73
Burton, Thomas Harris 1939 QJ 95
Bury, Henry 1958 Proc 1563
Busk, Dr George 1887 QJ 43
Busk, Henry Gould 1956 Proc 1541
Butcher, Norman Edward 2017 Geosci 27(11)
Butler, Arthur James 1985 Ann. rept.
Butler, Gerard Weeden (note) 1927 QJ 83
Butler, Reginald (note) 1963 Proc 1611
Butterley, Archibald Donald 1957 Proc 1554