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Obituaries - T

To obtain a copy of an obituary, please contact the LibraryCharges apply and payment will be required in advance from non-Fellows. Copies of obituaries published in the Society's Quarterly journal may alternatively be purchased online via the Lyell Collection (usually found in the 'Proceedings' section as part of the Anniversary Address of the President), or for those published prior to 1923 they may be found online courtesy of the Biodiversity Library.

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I-J  K  L  M  N  O  P-Q  R  S  T  U-V  W  X-Z 

See our list of abbreviations for the published source of the obituaries.

Taber, Stephen 1965 Proc 1628
Tabor, Felicity Ann 2007 Ann. rept.
Tabuteau, Lt Col Anthony O. (note) 1898 QJ 54
Taitt, Alfred Harold 1969 Proc 1655
Talmage, James E 1934 QJ 90
Tapp, William Munro 1936 QJ 92
Tarlo, Lambert Beverly SEE: Halstead, Lambert Beverly
Tarney, John 2018 Geosci 29(3) (2019)
Tarr, Ralph Stockman 1913 QJ 69
Tate, Alexander Norman 1893 QJ 49
Tate, George 1872 QJ 28
Tate, Ralph 1902 QJ 58
Tate, Thomas (note) 1898 QJ 54
Taunton, John Hooke 1893 QJ 49
Tawney, Edward Bernard 1883 QJ 39
Tayler, Joseph Walter 1896 QJ 52
Taylor, James Haward 1968 Proc 1651
Taylor, John 1864 QJ 20
Taylor, John Charles Mowbray 1997 Ann. rev.
Taylor, Dr John Ellor 1896 QJ 52
Taylor, Richard Cowling 1852 QJ 8
Taylor, Roy Kenneth 1987 Ann. rept.
Teale, Sir Edmund Oswald 1971 Yrbk.
Teall, Sir Jethro Justinian Harris 1925 QJ 81
Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre 1955 Proc 1529
Templeton, James Clark 1951 QJ 107
Tenison-Woods, Julian Edmund 1890 QJ 46
Tennant, James 1882 QJ 38
Termier, Pierre 1931 QJ 87
Thackeray, Rev Francis St John 1920 QJ 76
Thackray, John Christopher 1999 Ann. rev.
Theokritoff, George 2015 Geosci 26(6) (2016)
Thiebaud, Charles Emile Robert 1996 Ann. rept.
Thomas, David 1935 QJ 91
Thomas, Sir Algernon Phillips Withiel 1938 QJ 94
Thomas, Gwyn 1997 Ann. rev.
Thomas, Henry Dighton 1967 Proc 1642
Thomas, Herbert Henry 1936 QJ 92
Thomas, Hugh Hamshaw 1963 Proc 1611
Thomas, Ivor 1919 QJ 75
Thomas, John Albert Gay 1994 Ann. rept.
Thomas, Michael 2020
Thomas, Peter Robert 2011 Geosci 21(8)
Thomas, Maj Ronald Hawksey 1941 QJ 97
Thomas, Trevor Morgan 1974 Ann. rept.
Thomas, William Roberts (note) 1953 Proc 1502
Thompson, Beeby 1932 QJ 88
Thompson, David Barnard 2013 Geosci 24(3) (2014)
Thompson, John Francis 2000 Ann. rept.
Thomson, Alexander Gordon Milne 1921 QJ 77
Thomson, Sir Charles Wyville 1883 QJ 39
Thomson, James 1901 QJ 57
Thomson, James Allan 1929 QJ 85
Thomson, Ken 2007 Ann. rept.
Thomson, Dr Thomas 1853 QJ 9
Thoroddsen, Dr Thorvaldr 1925 QJ 81
Thorpe, Richard Simon 1991 Ann. rept.
Tiddeman, Richard Hill 1918 QJ 74
Tidy, Anthony John Lincott 1970 Proc 1664B
Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre 1955 Proc 1529
Tietze, Emil Ernest August 1932 QJ 88
Tilley, Cecil Edgar 1973 Yrbk.
Tillyard, Robin John 1937 QJ 93
Timmins, Maj Arthur 1941 QJ 97
Ting, Dr Ven-Kiang 1936 QJ 92
Tipper, George Howlett 1947 QJ 103
Tiratsoo, Eric Neshan 2000 Ann. rept.
Tite, Sir William 1874 QJ 30
Toernebohm, Alfred Elis 1912 QJ 68
Toernquist, Sven Leonhard 1921 QJ 77
Tomes, Robert Fisher 1905 QJ 61
Toombs, Harry Ashley 1987 Ann. rept.
Topley, William 1895 QJ 51
Torell, Otto Martin 1901 QJ 57
Tough, Stephen George 2000 Ann. rept.
Tozer, Charles Fallows 1967 Proc 1642
Traill, Dr Thomas Stewart 1863 QJ 19
Traquair, Ramsay Heatley 1913 QJ 69
Treacher, Llewellyn 1943 QJ 99
Trechmann, Charles Otto (note) 1918 QJ 74
Trechmann, Charles Taylor 1965 Proc 1628
Trench, Richard 1863 QJ 19
Trendall, Alec Francis 2013 Geosci 23(9)
Trevelyan, Sir Walter Calverley, bart 1880 QJ 36
Trewin, Nigel 2017 Geosci 28(8) (2018)
Trimmer, Joshua 1858 QJ 14
Trotter, Frederick Murray 1969 Proc 1655
Trueman, Sir Arthur Elijah 1956 Proc 1541
Trümpy, Rudolf 2008 Ann. rept.
Truscott, Samuel John 1950 QJ 106
Tschermak, Gustav von 1928 QJ 84
Tschernyschew, Theodosius Nikolaievich 1914 QJ 70
Tully, Bristow John 1929 QJ 85
Tupholme, Nancy (née Morris) 2014 Geosci 24(2) Note
Turner, Edward, MD 1838 Proc 2(55)
Turner, Francis John 1985 Ann. rept.
Turner, Sir John (note) 1932 QJ 88
Turton, William Henry (note) 1943 QJ 99
Tylden-Wright, Charles 1901 QJ 57
Tyler, Capt Charles 1896 QJ 52
Tylor, Alfred 1885 QJ 41
Tyndall, John 1894 QJ 50
Tyrrell, George Walter 1962 Proc 1602
Tyrrell, Joseph Burr 1958 Proc 1563