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Obituaries - D

To obtain a copy of an obituary, please contact the LibraryCharges apply and payment will be required in advance from non-Fellows. Copies of obituaries published in the Society's Quarterly journal may alternatively be purchased online via the Lyell Collection (usually found in the 'Proceedings' section as part of the Anniversary Address of the President), or for those published prior to 1923 they may be found online courtesy of the Biodiversity Library.

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I-J  K  L  M  N  O  P-Q  R  S  T  U-V  W  X-Z 

See our list of abbreviations for the published source of the obituaries.

Dagger, Philip Francis 1989 Ann. rept.
Daintree, Richard 1879 QJ 35
Dakyns, John Roche 1911 QJ 67
Dale, William 1926 QJ 82
Dall, William Healey 1928 QJ 84
Dallas, William Sweetland 1891 QJ 47
Dalton, Leonard Victor (note) 1915 QJ 71
Dalton, William Herbert 1930 QJ 86
Daly, Reginald Aldworth 1959 Proc 1572
Dames, Wilhelm Barnim 1899 QJ 55
Damon, Robert 1890 QJ 46
Dana, Edward Salisbury 1936 QJ 92
Dana, James Dwight 1896 QJ 52
Danby, Thomas William 1925 QJ 81
d'Andrade, Carlos Bento Freire 1957 Proc 1554
Daniel, Jasper Gordon (note) 1937 QJ 93
d'Archiac, Etienne Jules Adolphe Dexmier de Simon, Vicomte 1870 QJ 26
Darell, Robert Darell Smythe 1937 QJ 93
Darnley, Arthur George 2006 Ann. rept.
Darwin, Charles 1883 QJ 39
Darwin, George Howard 1914 QJ 70
Darwin, William Erasmus 1915 QJ 71
Das Gupta, Hem Chandra 1934 QJ 90
Daubeny, Dr Charles Giles Bridle 1868 QJ 24
Daubree, Auguste 1897 QJ 53
Daun, Robert, MD 1873 QJ 29
David, Sir (Tannatt William) Edgeworth 1935 QJ 91
Davidson, Allan Arthur 1932 QJ 88
Davidson, Charles Findlay 1968 Proc 1651
Davidson, Jon Paul 2016 Geosci 27(8) 2017
Davidson, Thomas 1886 QJ 42
Davies, Alun Howard Rhys 2010 Geosci 20(12)
Davies, Arthur Morley 1959 Proc 1572
Davies, David 1932 QJ 88
Davies, David C. 1886 QJ 42
Davies, David Farr 1935 QJ 91
Davies, Ephraim Henry 1938 QJ 94
Davies, George MacDonald 1974 Ann. rept.
Davies, Henry Nathaniel (note) 1921 QJ 77
Davies, John Henry 1971 Yrbk.
Davies, Kenneth Arthur 1991 Ann. rept.
Davies, Lt Col Lewis Merson 1956 Proc 1541
Davies, Rhys Glyn 2010 Geosci 21(3)
Davies, Richard 1967 Proc 1642
Davies, Thomas 1893 QJ 49
Davies, William 1891 QJ 47
Davies, William 1990 Ann. rept.
Davis, Arthur George 1957 Proc 1554
Davis, Grosvenor Rex 2016 Geosci 26(9)
Davis, James William 1894 QJ 50
Davison, Charles 1941 QJ 97
Davison, Ernest Henry 1944 QJ 100
Dawes, John Samuel 1879 QJ 35
Dawkins, William Boyd 1929 QJ 85
Dawson, Charles 1917 QJ 73
Dawson, George Mercer 1902 QJ 58
Dawson, Sir J. William, CMG 1900 QJ 56
Dawson, John Barry 2013 Geosci 23(7)
Dawson-Grove, Glascott Eyre 2012 Geosci 22(11)
Day, Arthur Louis 1960 Proc 1582
Day, John Bartlett Warren 2007 Ann. rept.
D'Cruz, Norman John 2016 Geosci 26(11)
De Boeckh, Hugo 1932 QJ 88
De Geer, Baron Gerhard 1944 QJ 100
De Koninck, Laurent-Guillaume 1888 QJ 44
De la Beche, Sir Henry Thomas 1856 QJ 12
De la Condamine, Rev Henry Malcolm 1855 QJ 11
de la Rubia, Dr Daniel de Cortazar 1930 QJ 86
De Lorenzo, Giuseppe 1958 Proc 1563
De Oliveira, Dr Euzebio Paulo 1940 QJ 96
De Salis, Rudolph Fane (note) 1932 QJ 88
De Waal, The Rev Philip Henry Overbeck 1943 QJ 99
Dearman, William Robert 2008 Ann. rept.
Dechen, Heinrich von 1890 QJ 46
Deeley, Richard Mountford 1954 Proc 1515
Deer, William Alexander 2008 Ann. rept.
Delépine, Mgr Gaston Georges 1963 Proc 1611
Delesse, Achille 1882 QJ 38
Delgado, Gen Joaquim Filippe Nery da Encarnacao 1909 QJ 65
Denmark, HM Christian VIII, King of 1850 QJ 6
Dennis, Rev James Blatch Piggott (note) 1862 QJ 18
Dennis, John G. 1989 Ann. rept.
Denton, John Bailey 1894 QJ 50
Deperet, Charles 1930 QJ 86
Derby, Orville Adelbert 1916 QJ 72
Derry, Duncan Ramsay 1987 Ann. rept.
Deshayes, Gerard Paul 1876 QJ 32
Desio, Ardito 2001 Ann. rept.
Desmarest, Anselme Gaetan 1839 Proc 3(61)
Desnoyers, Jules Pierre François Stanislaus 1888 QJ 44
Devonshire, Duke of 1892 QJ 48
Dewalque, Gilles Joseph Gustave 1906 QJ 62
Dewey, Henry 1965-66 Proc 1636
Dewhurst, Thomas 1973 Yrbk.
Dhondt, Annie Valerie Jeanne 2006 Ann. rept.
Dibley, George Edward 1944 QJ 100
Dickinson, Joseph 1913 QJ 69
Dickson, Edmund 1930 QJ 86
Diener, Carl 1928 QJ 84
Diggle, James 1944 QJ 100
Dillwyn, Lewis Llewellyn MP 1893 QJ 49
Dillwyn, Lewis Weston 1856 QJ 12
Dimes, Francis Gordon 1995 Ann. rept.
Dines, Henry George 1964 Proc 1618
Dinham, Charles Hawker 1955 Proc 1529
Diprose, Kenward Thomas 1977 Ann. rept.
Dixey, Sir Frank 1982 Ann. rept.
Dixon, Colin James 2006 Ann. rept.
Dixon, Ernest Edward Leslie 1963 Proc 1611
Dixon, Frederick 1850 QJ 6
Dixon, Henry George Dacres 1947 QJ 103
Dobbie, Charles Herbert 1976 Ann. rept.
Dobinson, Charles Henry 1983 Memb. List
Docwra, Colin (note) 1943 QJ 99
Dodd, Charles (note) 1929 QJ 85
Dollar, Archibald Thomas John 1983 Memb. List
Dollfus, Gustave Frederic 1932 QJ 88
Dollo, Louis 1932 QJ 88
D'Omalius D'Halloy, Jean-Baptiste-Julien 1875 QJ 31
Don, Archibald William Robertson (WD) 1917 QJ 73
Don, B.J.M. (note) 1929 QJ 85
Donne, Benjamin John Merifield (note) (N.B. Surname given as Don in the obit. note) 1929 QJ 85
Donovan, Shirley Louise (Lou) 2007 Ann. rept.
D'Orbigny, Alcide 1858 QJ 14
Dorlodot, Abbé Henry de 1929 QJ 85
Dorning, Elias 1897 QJ 53
Doue, Jacques Mathieu Bertrand de SEE: Bertrand de Doue, Jacques Mathieu
Doughty, Philip Simon 2013 Geosci 23(8)
Douglas, George Vibert 1959 Proc 1572
Douglas, James Archibald 1979 Memb.List
Dover, William Kinsey 1892 QJ 48
Dowker, George 1900 QJ 56
Downes, Rev William (note) 1887 QJ 43
Downey, Marlan Wayne 2017 Geosci 28(5) (2018)
Downie, Charles 1999 Ann. rev.
Downing, Richard Allen 2013 Geosci 24(2) (2014)
Downward, Brian Sutton 1983 Memb. List
Drew, Frederick 1892 QJ 48
Drinnan, John Blackwood (note) 1960 Proc 1582
Drummond, Henry 1898 QJ 54
Du Gard, Thomas, MD 1841 Proc 3(81)
Du Toit, Alexander Logie 1948 QJ 104
Ducie, Earl of (note) 1922 QJ 78
Duckworth, Henry (note) 1922 QJ 78
Duff, Peter Mclaren Donald 1998 Ann. rev.
Dufrénoy, Pierre Armand 1858 QJ 14
Duke, Rev Edward 1896 QJ 52
Dumont, Andre Hubert 1858 QJ 14
Dunbar, Carl Owen 1983 Memb. List
Duncan, Peter Martin 1892 QJ 48
Dunham, Ansel Charles 1997 Ann. rev.
Dunham, Kingsley Charles 2001 Ann. rept.
Dunlop, Andrew (note) 1916 QJ 72
Dunning, Frederick Weir 2018 Geosci 28(11)
Dunnington, Harold Vincent 1983 Memb. List
Duparc, Louis 1933 QJ 89
Dupont, Edouard 1912 QJ 68
Durham, Thomas Stanley 1962 Proc 1602
Dury, George Harry 1997 Ann. rev.
Dutton, Lt Col the Rev Daniel 1932 QJ 88
Dwerryhouse, Arthur Richard 1932 QJ 88
Dyk, Robert 1991 Ann. rept.
Dzulinski, Stanislaw 2001 Ann. rept.