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Obituaries - C

To obtain a copy of an obituary, please contact the LibraryCharges apply and payment will be required in advance from non-Fellows. Copies of obituaries published in the Society's Quarterly journal may alternatively be purchased online via the Lyell Collection (usually found in the 'Proceedings' section as part of the Anniversary Address of the President), or for those published prior to 1923 they may be found online courtesy of the Biodiversity Library.

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I-J  K  L  M  N  O  P-Q  R  S  T  U-V  W  X-Z 

See our list of abbreviations for the published source of the obituaries.

Cadman, John 1942 QJ 98
Callaway, Charles 1916 QJ 72
Callomon, John Hannes 2010 Geosci 20(9)
Campbell, John F. 1885 QJ 41
Campbell, Lt Col John Robert (note) 1898 QJ 54
Campbell, John Morrow (note) 1931 QJ 87
Campbell, Keir Arthur (note) 1956 Proc 1541
Campbell, William Young (note) 1900 QJ 56
Cantrill, Thomas Crosbee 1932 QJ 88
Campbell-Smith, Walter 1988 Ann. rept.
Capellini, Giovanni 1923 QJ 79
Carey, Alfred Edward 1923 QJ 79
Carmichael, Ian Stuart Edward 2011 Geosci 22(1) (2012)
Carey, Samual Warren 2002 Ann. rept.
Carmichael, David 2018 Geosci 29(10) (2019)
Carne, Joseph 1860 QJ 16
Carnegie, John George SEE: Northesk, John George Carnegie, 9th Earl of (formerly Lord Rosehill)
Carpenter, Dr William Benjamin 1886 QJ 42
Carr, John Wesley 1939 QJ 95
Carr-Brown, Barry 2011 Geosci 21(11)
Carrington, Thomas 1897 QJ 53
Carruthers, Robert George 1965-66 Proc 1636
Carruthers, William 1923 QJ 79
Carswell, Dennis Anthony 2006 Ann. rept
Carter, James 1896 QJ 52
Carter, Richard (note) 1896 QJ 52
Carter, William Lower 1919 QJ 75
Case, Frances Mary SEE: Fermor, Lady
Cash, William 1915 QJ 71
Casimir (formerly Casimir-Mrowczynska), Micia 1972 Yrbk.
Castillo, Don Antonio del 1896 QJ 52
Caswell, Stephen Alan 1994 Ann. rept.
Cathcart, Lt-Gen Earl (formerly Lord Greenock) 1860 QJ 16
Catt, John Alfred 2017 Geosci 28(6) (2018)
Cautley, Col Sir Proby T, KCB 1871 QJ 27
Cayeux, Lucien 1946 QJ 102
Chadwick, Brian 2015 Geosci. 27(1) (2017)
Challinor, John 1990 Ann. rept.
Chaloner, William Gilbert 2016 Geosci 28(4) (2018)
Chamberlin, Thomas Chrowder 1929 QJ 85
Chambers, Robert 1872 QJ 28
Chambers, Theodore Gervase 1959 Proc 1572
Champernowne, Arthur 1888 QJ 44
Chance, Edward John (note) 1896 QJ 52
Chantrey, Sir Francis 1842 Proc 3(86)
Chao, J.Y. (note) 1930 QJ 86
Chapman, Frederick 1944 QJ 100
Chappell, Bruce 2012 Geosci 23(5)
Charig, Alan Jack 1997 Ann. rev.
Charlesworth, Edward 1894 QJ 50
Charlesworth, John Kaye 1972 Yrbk.
Charpentier, J. de 1856 QJ 12
Cheng Yuqi, 2002 Ann. rept.
Chew, Kenneth John 2019 Geosci 30(6) (2020)
Chesterman, Jonathan Patrick (Paddy) 2012 Geosci 23(10) (2013)
Chewings, Dr Charles 1938 QJ 94
Chhibber, Harbans Lal 1956 Proc 1541
Choffat, Paul 1920 QJ 76
Choubert, Georges 1986 Ann. rept.
Christie, Alexander Turnbull, MD 1834 Proc 2(35)
Christy, Henry 1866 QJ 22
Church, Jabez 1897 QJ 53
Churchill, George Cheetham 1907 QJ 63
Claringbull, Sir Gordon Frank 1990 Ann. rept.
Clark, David Norman 2010 Geosci 21(1) (2011)
Clark, George Thomas 1898 QJ 54
Clark, Lewis 2004 Ann. rept.
Clark, Robin Hamley 1988 Ann. rept.
Clark, William Bullock 1918 QJ 74
Clarke, Frank Wigglesworth 1932 QJ 88
Clarke, John Mason 1926 QJ 82
Clarke, Rev. William Branwhite 1879 QJ 35
Clarke, William George (note) 1926 QJ 82
Clasby, Paul 2011 Geosci 21(9)
Clayden, Arthur William 1944 QJ 100
Claypole, Edward Waller 1902 QJ 58
Clayton, David George 2009 Geosci 20(6)
Clayton, Patrick Andrew 1962 Proc 1602
Clerk, Sir George, bart 1868 QJ 24
Cleverly, William Harold 1998 Ann. rev.
Clifford of Chudleigh, Rt Hon William Hugh (note) 1943 QJ 99
Clift, Sydney George 1961 Proc 1592
Clift, William 1850 QJ 6
Clinch, George (note) 1922 QJ 78
Cline, G.W. (note) 1896 QJ 52
Cloizeaux, Alfred L.O. des 1898 QJ 54
Cloos, Ernst 1974 Ann. rept.
Cloos, Hans 1954 Proc 1515
Close, Maxwell Henry 1904 QJ 60
Clough, Charles Thomas 1917 QJ 73
Clutterbuck, Ernest Charles (note) 1926 QJ 82
Clutterbuck, Robert 1881 QJ 37
Cobbold, Edgar Sterling 1937 QJ 93
Cocchi, Igino 1914 QJ 70
Cochrane, Noel James 1998 Ann. rev.
Cochrane, Simon Toby 2014 Geosci 25(1) (2015)
Cockburn-Hood, Thomas (note) 1890 QJ 46
Cockin, George Marmaduke 1919 QJ 75
Codd, John Alfred (note) 1921 QJ 77
Codrington, Thomas 1919 QJ 75
Cohen, Henry (Enrico) 2004 Ann. rept.
Cohen (née Herzka), Judith Augusta Maria 1991 Ann. rept.
Coke, George Elmsley 1912 QJ 68
Colby, Maj-Gen Thomas F., RE, LLD 1853 QJ 9
Colchester, William 1899 QJ 55
Cole, Rev Edward Maule 1912 QJ 68
Cole, Grenville Arthur James 1925 QJ 81
Cole, Monica Mary 1994 Ann. rept.
Colebrooke, Henry Thomas 1838 Proc 2(55)
Collard, Thomas White (note) 1898 QJ 54
Collet, Leon William 1958 Proc 1563
Colley, Howard 2015
Collie, Michael 2011 Geosci 22(3) (2012)
Collins, Arthur L. 1903 QJ 59
Collins, Joseph Henry 1917 QJ 73
Collins, Michael Bernard 2017 Geosci 28(6) (2018)
Collins, William Ion (note) 1965 Proc 1628
Colthurst, Joseph (note) 1885 QJ 41
Condon, Arthur William 1972 Yrbk.
Connor, James 1977 Ann. rept.
Conybeare, Very Rev Dean William Daniel 1858 QJ 14
Cook/Cooke, Rev George, MD 1841 Proc 3(81)
Cook, Henry, Surgeon-General (note) 1928 QJ 84
Cooke, Herbert Basil Sutton 2018 Geosci 29(9) (2019)
Cooke, Louis Henry Linnell (note) 1930 QJ 86
Cooke, Samuel 1900 QJ 56
Cooke, Theodore LLD (note) 1911 QJ 67
Coomaraswamy, Ananda Kentish (note) 1948 QJ 104
Coombs, Douglas Saxon 2016 (Online only)
Coope, Geoffrey Russell 2011 Geosci 22(6) (2012)
Cooper, Gustav Arthur 2000 Ann. rept.
Cooper, Michael 2015 Geosci 25(9)
Cooper-King, Lt Col Charles 1898 QJ 54
Cooray, Percival Gerald (Gerry) 2003 Ann. rept.
Cope, Edward Drinker 1898 QJ 54
Cope, Frederick Wolverston 2000 Ann. rept.
Cope, Thomas Henry (note) 1914 QJ 70
Copland-Crawford, Lt-Gen R.F. RA 1896 QJ 52
Coquand, Henri 1884 QJ 40
Corfield, William Henry 1904 QJ 60
Corner, Frank 1939 QJ 95
Cornet, Francois Leopold 1887 QJ 43
Cornford, Chris 2017
Cornwall, Ira Edmund 1963 Proc 1611
Corstorphine, Dr George Steuart 1919 QJ 75
Cossham, Handel MP 1891 QJ 47
Cossmann, Alexandre Edouard Maurice 1925 QJ 81
Cotta, Bernhard von 1880 QJ 36
Cotteau, Gustave Honoré 1895 QJ 51
Cotter, Dr Gerald de Purcell 1942 QJ 98
Cotton, Sir Charles [Andrew] 1971 Yrbk.
Coward, Michael Peter 2003 Ann. rept.
Cox, Keith Gordon 1998 Ann. rev.
Cox, Leslie Reginald 1965-66 Proc 1636
Crabtree, John Edmund (note) 1965-66 Proc 1636
Craig, Gordon Younger 2014 Geosci 25(3) (2015)
Craig, Robert Meldrum 1956 Proc 1541
Cramp, Adrian 1999 Ann. rev.
Crawley, Arthur William Vincent (note) 1959 Proc 1572
Credner, Carl Friedrich Heinrich 1877 QJ 33
Credner, Hermann 1914 QJ 70
Creswell, Robert Edward (note) 1930 QJ 86
Crichton, Alexander (note) 1888 QJ 44
Crichton, Sir Alexander 1857 QJ 13
Crick, George Charles 1918 QJ 74
Crick, Walter Drawbridge 1904 QJ 60
Crisp, Sir Frank, bart 1920 QJ 76
Croft, William Noble 1954 Proc 1515
Croker, Dr J.G. 1860 QJ 16
Crook, John 2014 Geosci 25(4) (2015)
Crook, Thomas 1937 QJ 93
Crookshank, Henry 1973 Yrbk.
Crosfield, Margaret Chorley 1953 Proc 1502
Cross, Charles Whitman 1949 QJ 105
Cross, Rev John Edward 1898 QJ 54
Crosskey, Rev H.W. 1894 QJ 50
Crowther, Arthur Frederick 1954 Proc 1515
Cruickshank, Arthur Richard Ivor 2011 Geosci 22(2) (2012)
Culley, Matthew 1835 Proc 2(39)
Cullingham, Ernest Keith 1999 Ann. rev.
Cullis, Charles Gilbert 1941 QJ 97
Cumberland, George 1849 QJ 5
Cumming, Rev James 1863 QJ 19
Cumming, Rev Joseph G 1869 QJ 25
Cummings, Robert Henry 1990 Ann. rept.
Cunliffe, Brooke (note) 1898 QJ 54
Cunnington, Lt C.H. (WD) 1919 QJ 75
Cunnington, William 1907 QJ 63
Curley, Timothy (note) 1885 QJ 41
Currie, Dr Ethel Dobbie 1964 Proc 1618
Curry, Dennis 2001 Ann. rept.
Curtis, Alfred Harper 1923 QJ 79
Cutler, William Edmund 1926 QJ 82
Cuvier, Georges, Baron 1833 Proc 1(30)