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Obituaries - M

To obtain a copy of an obituary, please contact the LibraryCharges apply and payment will be required in advance from non-Fellows. Copies of obituaries published in the Society's Quarterly journal may alternatively be purchased online via the Lyell Collection (usually found in the 'Proceedings' section as part of the Anniversary Address of the President), or for those published prior to 1923 they may be found online courtesy of the Biodiversity Library.

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I-J  K  L  M  N  O  P-Q  R  S  T  U-V  W  X-Z 

See our list of abbreviations for the published source of the obituaries.

MacAdam, James 1862 QJ 18
Macchi, Louis 2017 Geosci 28(2) (2018)
MacCulloch, John, MD 1836 Proc 2(44)
Macdonald, Simon 1971 Yrbk.
Macdonald, William 1875 QJ 31
MacDonnell, Dr James 1846 QJ 2
Macfadyen, William Archibald 1985 Ann. rept.
MacGregor, Alexander Miers 1962 Proc 1602
MacGregor, Archibald Gordon (Archie) 1986 Ann. rept.
Macgregor, Dr Murray 1965-66 Proc 1636
Mackay, Robert Alexander 1965-66 Proc 1636
Mackenzie, Robert Cameron 2000 Ann. rept.
Mackeson, Henry Bean 1895 QJ 51
Mackie, John Bullamore (dec'd 2012) 2010 - a 100th Birthday tribute
Mackie, William 1933 QJ 89
Mackworth, Herbert Francis 1859 QJ 15
Maclaren, Charles 1867 QJ 23
Maclaren, James Malcolm 1936 QJ 92
MacLauchlan, Henry 1882 QJ 38
Maclean, Donald John 1972 Yrbk.
MacLean,Ronald George 2012 Geosci 22(10)
Maclure, William 1841 Proc 3(81)
Macmillan, William Edward Frank (note) 1955 Proc 1529
MacNair, Peter 1930 QJ 86
MacNaughton, Lewis Winslow 1970 Proc 1662
MacPherson, Joseph (Don Jose) 1903 QJ 59
Macpherson, Eric Ogilvy 1948 QJ 104
MacRobert, Lady (Rachel Workman) 1955 Proc 1529
Madigan, Dr Cecil Thomas 1947 QJ 103
Magraw, Donald 1983 Memb. List
Maidwell, Frederic Thomas (note) 1922 QJ 78
Majendie, Ashurst 1868 QJ 24
Mallet, Frederick Richard 1922 QJ 78
Mallet, Robert 1882 QJ 38
Mammatt, Edward 1836 Proc 2(44)
Mange-Rajetsky, Maria 2011 Geosci 21 (4)
Mangles, Henry Albert 1909 QJ 65
Manning, Aubrey 2018 Geosci 29(4) (2019)
Mansel-Pleydell, John Clavell 1903 QJ 59
Mansergh, James 1906 QJ 62
Manson, William 1973 Yrbk.
Mantell, Gideon Algernon, LLD 1853 QJ 9
Mantell, Hon Walter Baldock Durrant 1896 QJ 52
Marchant, Stephen 2003 Ann. rept.
Marcou, Jules 1899 QJ 55
Margerie, Emmanuel Jacquin de 1954 Proc 1515
Maries, Alan C. 1971 Yrbk.
Marks, Edward Seaborn 1950 QJ 106
Marr, Francis Alleyne 1943 QJ 99
Marr, John Edward 1934 QJ 90
Marschall, August Friedrich, Count 1888 QJ 44
Marsh, Othniel Charles 1900 QJ 56
Marshall, James Garth 1874 QJ 30
Marshall, Kevin Meredith Wilberforce 2005 Ann. rept.
Marshall, Dr Patrick 1950 QJ 106
Marsham-Townshend, Hon Robert (formerly Marsham) (note) 1916 QJ 72
Marston, Alvan Theophilus 1972 Yrbk.
Marten, Henry John 1893 QJ 49
Martin, Alan John 2006 Ann. rept.
Martin, Edgar Charles 1955 Proc 1529
Martin, Edward Alfred 1944 QJ 100
Martin, Peter John 1861 QJ 17
Martin, Rudolf 1972 Yrbk.
Martin, Stephen Francis 1995 Ann. rept.
Maslen, Dr Arthur J. 1954 Proc 1515
Mathews, Charles William 1942 QJ 98
Matley, Charles Alfred 1948 QJ 104
Matthews, Drummond Hoyle 1997 Ann. rev.
Matthews, Ernest Romney (note) 1931 QJ 87
Maud, Rodney Richard Morgan 2017
Maufe, Herbert Brantwood 1947 QJ 103
Maw, George 1912 QJ 68
Mawson, Sir Douglas 1959 Proc 1572
Mawson, Joseph (note) 1928 QJ 84
May, Frank 2006 Ann. rept.
Mayo, Herbert Theodore 1965-66 Proc 1636
McCall, James (note) 1962 Proc 1602
McCall, Gerald Joseph Home (Joe) 2013 Geosci 23(9)
McCann, David 2019 Geosci 30(2) (2020)
McClean, Frank LLD 1905 QJ 61
McConnell, Primrose (note) 1932 QJ 88
McConnell, Richard Bradford 1986 Ann. rept.
McCormick, James Denis 1936 QJ 92
McCoy, Sir Frederick KCMG 1900 QJ 56
McDonald, William 1943 QJ 99
McDonough, Michael Timothy 1998 Ann. rev.
McEnery, Rev J 1842 Proc 3(86)
McHenry, Alexander 1920 QJ 76
McIntyre, Peter 1941 QJ 97
McKay, Alexander 1918 QJ 74
McKerrow, William Stuart 2004 Ann. rept.
McLaren, Digby Johns 2005 Ann. rept.
McLean, Adam Cumming 1983 Ann. rept.
McLean, William 1947 QJ 103
McLintock, William Francis Porter 1960 Proc 1582
McMahon, Lt-Gen Charles Alexander 1905 QJ 61
McMahon, Sir (Arthur) Henry, GCMG, GCVO, KCIE, 1949 QJ 105
McMath, John Charles 1955 Proc 1529
McMurtrie, James 1914 QJ 70
McNeill, Bedford 1917 QJ 73
McPherson, William (note) 1929 QJ 85
Meachem, Frederick George 1920 QJ 76
Meade, Thomas De Courcy (note) 1917 QJ 73
Medlicott, Henry Benedict 1906 QJ 62
Meeson, Richard 1872 QJ 28
Mello, Rev John Magens 1915 QJ 71
Mendum, John 2016 Geosci 27(9) 2017)
Meneghini, Giuseppi 1889 QJ 45
Mennell, Frederick Philip 1965-66 Proc 1636
Menner, Vladimir V. 1988 Ann. rept.
Merian, Pierre, MD 1884 QJ 40
Merriam, Daniel Francis 2017 Geosci 29(9) (2019)
Merricks, Frank Wigglesworth 1937 QJ 93
Merthyr of Senghenydd, Sir William Thomas Lewis, bart, Baron 1915 QJ 71
Meryon, Dr Edward 1881 QJ 37
Metcalfe, Arthur Tom 1940 QJ 96
Metre, Waman Bapuji 1970 Proc 1664B
Meyer, Charles John Adrian 1901 QJ 57
Meyer, Dr Hermann Christian Erich von 1870 QJ 26
Meyerhoff, Arthur Augustus 1995 Ann. rept.
Miall, Louis Compton 1922 QJ 78
Michel-Lévy, Auguste 1912 QJ 68
Middleton, James 1876 QJ 32
Miers, Sir Henry Alexander 1943 QJ 99
Miles, Keith Rodney 1976 Ann. rept.
Millar, Dr John (note) 1888 QJ 44
Miller, Benjamin LeRoy 1944 QJ 100
Miller, Hugh 1857 QJ 13
Miller, Hugh 1896 QJ 52
Miller, John Alfred 2007 Ann. rept.
Miller, Terence George 2015 Geosci 25(8)
Miller, Dr Willet Green 1925 QJ 81
Miller, William Hallowes 1881 QJ 37
Millett, Fortescue William (note) 1916 QJ 72
Mills, Anthony Brandon 2009 Geosci 20(6)
Milne, John 1914 QJ 70
Mills, Stephen John 2012 Geosci 22(9)
Milne-Edwards, Alphonse 1901 QJ 57
Milne-Edwards, Henri 1886 QJ 42
Milne-Home, David 1891 QJ 47
Milnes, W Stert (note) 1896 QJ 52
Milton, John Herbert (note) 1926 QJ 82
Milward, Edward Bickerton (note) 1944 QJ 100
Minato, Masao 1984 Ann. rept.
Misch, Peter 1987 Ann. rept.
Mitchell, Frank Johnstone (note) 1914 QJ 70
Mitchell, George Hoole 1976 Ann. rept.
Mitchell, Joseph junior 1896 QJ 52
Mitchell, Lewis (note) 1943 QJ 99
Mitchinson, Rt Rev John 1919 QJ 75
Mitscherlich, Eilhard 1864 QJ 20
Miyashiro, Akiho 2009 Geosci 20(3)
Mohammed, Wali (note) 1964 Proc 1618
Mohs, Friedrich [Frederick] 1840 Proc 3(68)
Mojsisovics, Johann August Edler von Mojsvar 1908 QJ 64
Molengraaff, Gustaaf Adolf Frederick 1943 QJ 99
Molesworth, Rt Hon Sir W 1856 QJ 12
Molyneux, Arthur John Charles 1921 QJ 77
Monckton, Horace Woollaston 1931 QJ 87
Mond, Sir Robert Ludwig 1939 QJ 95
Monkhouse, Richard Ambrose 1997 Ann. rev.
Montag, Emil 1961 Proc 1592
Montford, Horace Moutrie 1983 Memb. List
Montgomery, Alexander 1934 QJ 90
Monticelli, Cavaliere Teodoro 1846 QJ 2
Montlosier, Francois Dominique de Reynaud, Comte de 1839 Proc 3(61)
Montpereux, Frederic Dubois de 1851 QJ 7
Moon, Colin Francis 2001 Ann. rept.
Moon, Frederick William 1926 QJ 82
Moore, Charles 1882 QJ 38
Moore, Francis Harry 1990 Ann. rept.
Moore, John Carrick 1898 QJ 54
Moore, Leslie Rowsell 2003 Ann. rept.
Moore, Raymond Cecil 1974 Ann. rept.
Moray, Morton Gray Stuart, 17th Earl of (note) 1931 QJ 87
Morel, Stephen William 2005 Ann. rept.
Moreno, Dr Francisco P 1920 QJ 76
Morgan, Conwy Lloyd 1937 QJ 93
Morgan, Dean Arthur Oliver 1997 Ann. rev.
Morgan, Joseph Bickerton 1895 QJ 51
Morgan, Percy Gates 1928 QJ 84
Morison, John 1913 QJ 69
Morlot, Adolphus 1869 QJ 25
Morrey, Michael John (Mick) 2003 Ann. rept.
Morris, Alfred 1888 QJ 44
Morris, David 1998 Ann. rev.
Morris, John 1886 QJ 42
Morris, Thomas 1898 QJ 54
Morton, George Highfield 1901 QJ 57
Morton, William Hastings 1979 Memb.List
Moseley, Frank 2009 Geosci 20(4)
Moss, Kenneth Neville OBE 1943 QJ 99
Mourant, Arthur Ernest 1995 Ann. rept.
Mourlon, Michel Felix 1916 QJ 72
Moysey, Dr Lewis, Capt, RAMC (WD) (note) 1919 QJ 75
Mrosovsky, Peter 1972 Yrbk.
Muegge, Johannes Otto Conrad 1933 QJ 89
Mueller, Baron Ferdinand von 1897 QJ 53
Mueller, Stephan 1997 Ann. rev.
Muir-Wood, Helen Marguerite 1969 Proc 1655
Muller, Harry (note) 1931 QJ 87
Munster, George Augustus Frederick Fitzclarence, Earl of 1843 Proc 4(93)
Murchison, Duncan George 2013 Geosci 24(2) (2014)
Murchison, Sir Roderick Impey 1872 QJ 28
Murie, James LLD 1926 QJ 82
Murphy, Richard Welch 2010 Geosci 21(3)
Murray, Alexander 1885 QJ 41
Murray, John 1893 QJ 49
Murray, Sir John KCB (note) 1915 QJ 71
Mushet, David 1860 QJ 16
Mushet, Robert 1872 QJ 28
Mussett, Alan Ernest 2017 Geosci 28(2) (2018)
Myers, John 1994 Ann. rept.
Mykura, Walter 1988 Ann. rept.
Mylne, Robert William 1891 QJ 47