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Obituaries - E

To obtain a copy of an obituary, please contact the LibraryCharges apply and payment will be required in advance from non-Fellows. Copies of obituaries published in the Society's Quarterly journal may alternatively be purchased online via the Lyell Collection (usually found in the 'Proceedings' section as part of the Anniversary Address of the President), or for those published prior to 1923 they may be found online courtesy of the Biodiversity Library.

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I-J  K  L  M  N  O  P-Q  R  S  T  U-V  W  X-Z 

See our list of abbreviations for the published source of the obituaries.

Eagar, Richard Michael Cardwell 2003 Ann. rept.
Earle, Kenneth Wilson 1946 QJ 102
Earp, John Rowland 2003 Ann. rept.
Eccles, James Ronald (note) 1957 Proc 1554
Eckermann, Harry von 1970 Proc 1664B
Eden, Robert Arthur 2008 Ann. rept.
Edgell, Henry Stewart  2011 Geosci 21(7)
Edington, Thomas 1842 Proc 3(86)
Edmonds, Charles 1964 Proc 1618
Edmonds, James Marmaduke 1983 Ann. rept.
Edmunds, Francis Hereward 1960 Proc 1582
Edmunds, Frederic Harrison 1965 Proc 1628
Edmunds, Wyndham Michael 2015 Geosci 24(11)
Edwards, Frederick Erasmus 1876 QJ 32
Edwards, Walter Cleeve (note) 1931 QJ 87
Edwards, Wilfred Norman 1957 Proc 1554
Egerton, Sir Philip de Malpas Grey-, bart. SEE: Grey-Egerton, Sir Philip de Malpas, bart.
Egerton, Rev William Henry 1911 QJ 67
Ehrenberg, Christian Gottfried 1877 QJ 33
Élie de Beaumont, Jean-Baptiste Armand Louis Léonce SEE: Beaumont, Jean-Baptiste Armand Louis Léonce Élie de
Ellenberger, Francois 2000 Ann. rept.
Elles, Gertrude Lilian 1961 Proc 1592
Ellesmere, Earl of (formerly Lord Francis Egerton) 1858 QJ 14
Ellis, Rt Hon Sir Henry 1856 QJ 12
Ellis, Stephen Ratcliffe 1971 Yrbk.
Ellison, John 1936 QJ 92
Ellitsgaard-Rasmussen, Knud 2009 Geosci 20(7)
Elsden, James Vincent 1931 QJ 87
Emary, Percy (note) 1907 QJ 63
Emeleus, (Charles) Henry 2017 Geosci 28(9) (2018)
Emmons, Samuel Franklin 1912 QJ 68
Energlyn, Lord SEE: Evans, William David
Engleheart, Francis Henry Arnold (note) 1964 Proc 1618
Enniskillen, William Willoughby Cole, Earl of 1887 QJ 43
Enys, John Samuel (formerly Hunt) 1873 QJ 29
Epps, Frank James 1974 Ann. rept.
Erb, Joseph [Josef] Theodor 1935 QJ 91
Eskola, Pentti Eelis 1965 Proc 1628
Eskrigge, R A (note) 1900 QJ 56
Esmark, Jens 1840 Proc 3(68)
Etheridge, Robert 1904 QJ 60
Etheridge, Robert 1920 QJ 76
Ettingshausen, Baron Constantin von 1897 QJ 53
Eudes-Deslongchamps, Jacques-Amand 1867 QJ 23
Evans, Anthony Meredith 2017
Evans, Beryl SEE: Oxtoby, Beryl
Evans, Caleb 1887 QJ 43
Evans, David Emlyn (non-Fellow) 1997 Ann. rev
Evans, Sir John, KCB 1909 QJ 65
Evans, John William 1931 QJ 87
Evans, Percy 1974 Ann. rept.
Evans, William David (Lord Energlyn of Caerphilly) 1985 Ann. rept.
Evans, William Ernest (Ernie) 2006 Ann. rept.
Everard, Cyril Ernest 2006 Ann. rept.
Eversley, Rt Hon Charles Shaw Lefevre, Viscount (note) 1889 QJ 45
Ewing, Colin James Craig 1997 Ann. rev.
Ewing, William Maurice 1974 Ann. rept.
Exley, Colin 2016 Geosci 27(3) (2017)
Exton, Hugh, MD 1904 QJ 60
Eyles, Joan Mary 1986 Ann. rept.
Eyre, George Edward (note) 1888 QJ 44