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Obituaries - R

To obtain a copy of an obituary, please contact the LibraryCharges apply and payment will be required in advance from non-Fellows. Copies of obituaries published in the Society's Quarterly journal may alternatively be purchased online via the Lyell Collection (usually found in the 'Proceedings' section as part of the Anniversary Address of the President), or for those published prior to 1923 they may be found online courtesy of the Biodiversity Library.

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I-J  K  L  M  N  O  P-Q  R  S  T  U-V  W  X-Z

See our list of abbreviations for the published source of the obituaries.

Raaf, Johan Ferdinand Maurits de 1983 Memb. List
Radcliffe, James (note) 1890 QJ 46
Radhakrishna, Bangalore Puttaiya 2012 Geosci 22(4)
Radley, Ernest George 1946 QJ 102
Raeburn, Colin 1970 Proc 1664B
Raine, George Thomas 1990 Ann. rept.
Raisin, Dr Catherine 1946 QJ 102
Raleigh, Frank Trevor Rupert Ford (note) 1970 Proc 1662
Ramberg, Hans 1998 Ann. rev.
Ramsay, Sir Andrew Crombie 1892 QJ 48
Ramsden, Lt Col Josslyn Vere CMG, DSO 1953 Proc 1502
Rance, Charles Eugene de 1907 QJ 63
Randall, John 1911 QJ 67
Rands, Claud N. (note) 1960 Proc 1582
Rankama, Kalervo 1995 Ann. rept.
Ransome, Frederick Leslie 1937 QJ 93
Ranson, John 1967 Proc 1642
Rao, Bellur Rama 1970 Proc 1664B
Rao, Lakshmeswar Rama 1974 Ann. rept.
Rast, Nicholas 2002 Ann. rept.
Rastall, Robert Heron 1949 QJ 105
Rath, Gerhard vom 1889 QJ 45
Rau, Rao Bahadur Sivaran Sethu Rama (note) 1930 QJ 86
Raulin, Felix Victor 1906 QJ 62
Raumer, Karl von 1866 QJ 22
Raw, Frank 1962 Proc 1602
Read, Herbert Harold 1970 Proc 1664B
Read, William Alfred (Bill) 2004 Ann. rept.
Reade, Thomas Mellard 1910 QJ 66
Reader, Thomas William 1923 QJ 79
Reading, Harold Garnar 2019 Geosci 30(3) (2020)
Redman, John Baldry 1900 QJ 56
Redwood, Sir Boverton, bart 1920 QJ 76
Reece, Alan William 1961 Proc 1592
Reed, Frederick Richard Cowper 1946 QJ 102
Reed, William 1893 QJ 49
Rees, Daniel J. (note) 1929 QJ 85
Reeve, James 1921 QJ 77
Reeve, Lovell 1866 QJ 22
Reid, Alexander 1953 Proc 1502
Reid, Arthur Sankey 1931 QJ 87
Reid, Clement 1917 QJ 73
Reid (née Wynne Edwards), Eleanor Mary 1954 Proc 1515
Reid, Elspeth 2003 Ann. rept.
Renard, Alphonse Francois 1904 QJ 60
Rendell, Nigel 2008 Ann. rept.
Renevier, Eugene 1907 QJ 63
Renier, Armand Marie Vincent 1951 QJ 107
Rennie, George 1867 QJ 23
Rennie, Sir John 1875 QJ 31
Renwick, Alexander (Sandy), OBE 2003 Ann. rept.
Reusch, Hans Henrik 1923 QJ 79
Reuss, August Emil Ritter von 1874 QJ 30
Reynolds, Doris Livesey 1986 Ann. rept.
Reynolds, Sidney Hugh 1950 QJ 106
Rhodes, Frank Harold Trevor 2020
Rhodes, James Eric Wynfield 1976 Ann. rept.
Rhodes, Peter Stephenson 2009 Geosci 20(5)
Rice, Alexander Hamilton 1958 Proc 1563
Richards, Edwin Percy 1962 Proc 1602
Richards, Harold S (note) 1957 Proc 1554
Richards, Haydn John 1993 Ann. rept.
Richardson, Rev Benjamin 1833 Proc 1(30)
Richardson, Charles Gordon (note) 1932 QJ 88
Richardson, Frank Derek Sprague 1979 Memb. List
Richardson, Linsdall 1967 Proc 1642
Richardson, Dr William Alfred 1965 Proc 1628
Richey, James Ernest 1969 Proc 1655
Richter née Huether, Emma 1957 Proc 1554
Richter, Rudolf 1957 Proc 1554
Richthofen, Ferdinand Paul Wilhelm, Baron von 1906 QJ 62
Rickards, Richard Barrie 2009 Geosci 20(5)
Ricketts, Charles, MD 1905 QJ 61
Ridsdale, Harold (note) 1961 Proc 1592
Rigaux, Edmond (note) 1916 QJ 72
Ringwood, Alfred Edward 1993 Ann. rept.
Ripon, George Frederick Samuel Robinson, 1st Marquis and 2nd earl of 1910 QJ 66
Ritso, Bernard William (note) 1931 QJ 87
Robbie, James Andrew 1997 Ann. rept.
Roberts, Brinley 2018 Geosci 29(3) (2019)
Roberts, David Gwyn 201 3 Geosci 24(1) (2014)
Roberts, George Edward 1866 QJ 22
Roberts, Dr Isaac 1905 QJ 61
Roberts, Jeffery David 2010
Roberts, John 1960 Proc 1582
Roberts, John Cole 2016 Geosci 27(5) (2017)
Roberts, John Leonard 2001 Ann. rept.
Roberts, Robert Davies 1912 QJ 68
Roberts, Ronald Hugh 1995 Ann. rept.
Roberts, Thomas 1892 QJ 48
Robertson, Alexander 1854 QJ 10
Robertson, David Corse 1897 QJ 53
Robertson, Thomas 1983 Memb. List
Robins, Herbert George 1940 QJ 96
Robinson, Benjamin 2004 Ann. rept.
Robinson, George Frederick Samuel SEE: Ripon, George Frederick Samuel Robinson, 1st Marquess and 2nd Earl of   
Robinson, Pamela Lamplugh 1994 Ann. rept.
Robson, Douglas Arthur 1992 Ann. rept.
Robson, John Gordon 2012 Geosci 22(7)
Roe, Frank Walton (Peter) 1965 Proc 1628
Roemer, C. Ferdinand von 1892 QJ 48
Rofe, Henry (note) 1916 QJ 72
Rogers, Albert Inkerman (note) 1960 Proc 1582
Rogers, Arthur William 1947 QJ 103
Rollin, Charles (note) 1931 QJ 87
Roman, Frederic 1945 QJ 101
Romanes, James 1943 QJ 99
Romanes (née Macphee), Margaret Flowerdew 1932 QJ 88
Romer, Alfred Sherwood 1973 Yrbk.
Rosales, Henry 1917 QJ 73
Rose, Caleb Burrell 1872 QJ 28
Rose, Gustav 1874 QJ 30
Rose, William Colin Campbell 1991 Ann. rept.
Rosenbusch, Harry 1914 QJ 70
Rosse, William Parsons 3rd Earl of (formerly Viscount Oxmantown) 1868 QJ 24
Rothpletz, August 1919 QJ 75
Rothstein, Andrew Theodor Vladimir 2000 Ann. rept.
Rothwell, Richard Pennefather 1902 QJ 58
Routh, Dr Edward John 1908 QJ 64
Rowe, Arthur Walton 1927 QJ 83
Rowley, Walter (note) 1932 QJ 88
Royle, John Forbes, MD 1858 QJ 14
Rubidge, Richard Nathaniel, MD 1870 QJ 26
Rudler, Frederick William 1915 QJ 71
Ruetimeyer, Dr Ludwig 1896 QJ 52
Rufford, Philip James 1903 QJ 59
Ruskin, John 1900 QJ 56
Russell, Frank Scott 1944 QJ 100
Russell, John, SEE: Bedford, John Russell, 6th Duke of
Russell, Robert (note) 1901 QJ 57
Rutherford, Sir Hugo, bart 1943 QJ 99
Ruthven-Murray, Alan James 1960 Proc 1582
Rutledge, Dr Harold 1954 Proc 1515
Rutley, Frank 1905 QJ 61
Rutten, Martin G. 1971 Yrbk.
Ruxton, Bryan Paul 2008 Ann. rept.
Ryan, Rt Hon Sir Edward 1876 QJ 32