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Obituaries - P & Q

To obtain a copy of an obituary, please contact the LibraryCharges apply and payment will be required in advance from non-Fellows. Copies of obituaries published in the Society's Quarterly journal may alternatively be purchased online via the Lyell Collection (usually found in the 'Proceedings' section as part of the Anniversary Address of the President), or for those published prior to 1923 they may be found online courtesy of the Biodiversity Library.

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I-J  K  L  M  N  O  P-Q  R  S  T  U-V  W  X-Z 

See our list of abbreviations for the published source of the obituaries.


Pace, Bernard William (Bill) 2002 Ann. rept.
Page, David, LLD 1880 QJ 36
Pagella, Julian Francis 2005 Ann. rept.
Pallister, John Weaver 1985 Ann. rept.
Palmira, Baron de SEE: Goldsmid, Sir Isaac Lyon
Pander, Dr Christian 1866 QJ 22
Pargeter, Reginald Clive 1973 Yrbk.
Parish, Sir Woodbine 1883 QJ 39
Park, James 1947 QJ 103
Parker, Andrew 2017 Geosci 29(1) (2019)
Parker, Hubert Lister 1972 Yrbk.
Parker, James 1913 QJ 69
Parker, William Albert (note) 1918 QJ 74
Parkinson, Cyril 1920 QJ 76
Parkinson, Donald 1974 Ann. rept.
Parkinson, John 1948 QJ 104
Parsons, Ernest 1963 Proc 1611
Parsons, Henry Franklin, MD 1914 QJ 70
Parsons, James, BSc 1910 QJ 66
Parsons, Leonard Miles 1958 Proc 1563
Pascoe, Sir Edwin Hall 1949 QJ 105
Pasley, Lt-Gen Sir C.W. 1862 QJ 18
Patterson, Edward Mervyn 1997 Ann. rev.
Pattinson, Hugh Lee 1859 QJ 15
Pattison, Samuel Rowles 1902 QJ 58
Pavlov, Alexis Petrovich 1930 QJ 86
Pavlow, Mme Marie 1939 QJ 95
Peach, Benjamin Neeve LLD 1926 QJ 82
Peacock, Rev George DD, Dean of Ely 1859 QJ 15
Peacock, Richard Atkinson 1885 QJ 41
Peake, Dorothy Sarah (Sally) 2003 Ann. rept.
Pearce, Joseph Chaning (or Channing) 1848 QJ 4
Pearce, Dr Richard (note) 1928 QJ 84
Pearse, Leonard Edward Beard 1953 Proc 1502
Pearson, Christopher Martin 2010 Geosci 21(1) (2011)
Pearson-Jones, Lt Peter William RN 1951 QJ 107
Peel, Sir Robert, bart 1851 QJ 7
Peet, Geoffrey Alan (note) 1959 Proc 1572
Pelham-Clinton, Henry SEE: Newcastle-under-Lyne, Henry Pelham-Clinton, 5th Duke of
Penck, Albrecht 1951 QJ 107
Penfield, Samuel Lewis 1907 QJ 63
Pengelly, William 1895 QJ 51
Penning, Wiliam Henry 1903 QJ 59
Pennington, Rooke 1888 QJ 44
Penny, Frederick Willoughby 1953 Proc 1502
Penny, Lewis Frederick 2000 Ann. rept.
Percival, Frederick George 1973 Yrbk.
Percy, John 1890 QJ 46
Perthes, Jacques Boucher de Crevecoeur de SEE: Boucher de Crevecour de Perthes, Jacques
Pettijohn, Francis John 1999 Ann. rev.
Phear, Samuel George, DD 1919 QJ 75
Phear, Sir John (note) 1906 QJ 62
Phemister, James 1986 Ann. rept.
Phene, John Samuel (note) 1913 QJ 69
Phillips, David Watkin 1963 Proc 1611
Phillips, Evan Raymond 1983 Memb. List
Phillips, John 1875 QJ 31
Phillips, John Arthur 1887 QJ 43
Phillips, Montagu Austin 1939 QJ 95
Phillips, Richard 1852 QJ 8
Phillips, William 1829 Proc 1(10)
Phillips, William John 1990 Ann. rept.
Philpot, Ven Archdeacon B 1890 QJ 46
Phipps, Colin Barry 2008 Ann. rept.
Piasecki, Marek Andrzej Jerzy 1999 Ann. rev.
Pichamuthu, Charles Solomon 1991 Ann. rept.
Pickering, Arthur James 1972 Yrbk.
Pickering, Wilfrid John 1963 Proc 1611
Pickering, William Henry 1913 QJ 69
Pickup, William 1934 QJ 90
Pidgeon, Mrs (note) 1930 QJ 86
Pike, John Mark 2003 Ann. rept.
Pike, John William 1875 QJ 31
Pilgrim, Dr Henry Guy Ellcock 1944 QJ 100
Pinfold, Ernest Shepherd 1970 Proc 1662
Piper, George Harry 1898 QJ 54
Pirbright, Baron Henry de Worms, Lord 1903 QJ 59
Pitcher, Wallace Spencer 2004 Ann. rept.
Pitt-Rivers, Lt-Gen Augustus Henry Lane Fox 1901 QJ 57
Pittwell, Laurence Roy 1999 Ann. rev.
Plant, Jane Ann SEE: Simpson, Jane Ann
Plant, Maj John 1894 QJ 50
Plant, Nathaniel 1876 QJ 32
Platt, Jackie 1997 Ann. rev.
Player, Jacob Hort 1909 QJ 65
Pocock, Roy Woodhouse 1954 Proc 1515
Poldervaart, Arie 1965 Proc 1628
Pollard, Ernest Rex 1965-66 Proc 1636
Pollard, Frank Shaw 1963 Proc 1611
Pollard, William (note) 1946 QJ 102
Pollock, Charles Murray 1970 Proc 1662
Polwhele, Thomas Roxburgh 1911 QJ 67
Pompeckj, Josef Felix 1931 QJ 87
Ponzi, Giuseppe di Tomaso 1886 QJ 42
Ponsford, David Ronald Arthur (Dai) 2001 Ann. rept.
Poole, Granville 1963 Proc 1611
Pooley, Henry (note) 1965 Proc 1628
Porter, Henry, MD 1869 QJ 25
Portlock, Maj-Gen Joseph Elliston (or Ellison) 1865 QJ 21
Postlethwaite, John 1926 QJ 82
Potter, Henry Clifford 2004 Ann. rept.
Potter, John François 2019 Geosci 30(9) (2020)
Poulsen, Christian H O 1975 Ann. rept.
Poulton, Sir Edward Bagnall 1944 QJ 100
Powell, Rev Baden 1861 QJ 17
Powell, Maj John Wesley 1903 QJ 59
Power, Edward (note) 1908 QJ 64
Power, Frederick Danvers 1956 Proc 1541
Prado, Senor Don Casiano de 1867 QJ 23
Pratt, Samuel Peace 1864 QJ 20
Preller, Charles S. Du Riche 1930 QJ 86
Preston, Henry 1941 QJ 97
Prestwich, Lady Grace Anne (note) 1900 QJ 56
Prestwich, Sir Joseph 1897 QJ 53
Pretyman, Frank Remington (WD) 1918 QJ 74
Prevost, Constant 1857 QJ 13
Prevost, Jean Louis (John Lewis) 1853 QJ 9
Price, David George 1999 Ann. rev.
Price, Frederick George Hilton 1910 QJ 66
Price, Neville James 2005 Ann. rept.
Prider, Rex Tregilgas 2006 Ann. rept.
Pringle, Dr John 1948 QJ 104
Prior, George Thurland 1936 QJ 92
Pritchard, Rev Charles 1894 QJ 50
Pritchard, Hazel Margaret 2017 Geosci 27(9)
Pruvost, Pierre Eugène 1968 Proc 1645
Pugh, Sir William John 1974 Ann. rept.
Purdue, Albert Homer 1919 QJ 75
Purdy, Edward George 2009 Geosci 20(4)
Pusch, George Gottlieb 1847 QJ 3  


Quennell, Albert Mathieson 1985 Ann. rept.
Quensel, Percy Dudgeon 1965-66 Proc 1636
Quenstedt, Friedrich August von 1890 QJ 46
Qureshi, Iftikhar R. 1990 Ann. rept.